What does AI think of you?

Check out this video if you’re interested in video production at all. VoiceMod and CapCut look really interesting and useful.


I fell into a rabbit hole using chatGPT to create (or recreate) cocktail recipes…

Create a cocktail with gin, yellow chartreuse, and honey syrup

Sure! Here is a recipe for a cocktail with gin, yellow chartreuse, and honey syrup:

Honey Bee cocktail

  • 1.5 ounces gin
  • 0.75 ounces yellow chartreuse
  • 0.5 ounces honey syrup
  • 0.5 ounces lemon juice

To make the honey syrup, combine equal parts honey and water in a small saucepan and heat over low heat until the honey has fully dissolved. Let the syrup cool to room temperature before using.

To make the cocktail, combine all ingredients in a shaker with ice. Shake well and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a lemon twist if desired.

This cocktail has a balance of sweet, herbal, and citrus flavors, with the honey syrup adding a hint of sweetness and the yellow chartreuse providing a complex, herbal flavor. The gin and lemon juice provide a crisp, refreshing finish. Enjoy!

This sounds great, but needs a different name

Certainly! Here are a few suggestions for alternate names for this cocktail:

  • Honeyed Gin: This name emphasizes the honey syrup in the recipe and highlights the gin as the main spirit.
  • Herbal Honey: This name plays off the herbal notes in the yellow chartreuse and the sweetness of the honey syrup.
  • Bee’s Knees: This classic cocktail name is often used for drinks made with gin and honey syrup, and it references the saying “the bee’s knees,” which means “excellent” or “outstanding.”
  • Lemon & Honey: This name focuses on the combination of lemon juice and honey syrup in the cocktail, and could be a good choice if you want to highlight the citrus flavors.
  • Yellow Chartreuse Gin Fizz: This name calls out the yellow chartreuse and the fizz created by shaking the cocktail with ice, and could be a good choice if you want to give a nod to the specific ingredients and preparation method used in the recipe.

I hope these suggestions help, and that you find a name that you like for your cocktail!

I’d call it a Yellow Jacket.

The Yellow Jacket is a great name for this cocktail! It’s catchy and memorable, and it plays off the yellow color of the chartreuse. I think this name would work well for this recipe, and it could also be a fun conversation starter at a party or gathering.

I hope you enjoy your Yellow Jacket cocktail! Let me know if you have any other questions or need further assistance.


Chatgpt just seems way to cheery and optimistic to me. But I dispose despise extra saccharine in my conversations so i could just be me.

Struck by the spell check AI


(Emphasis mine):face_with_raised_eyebrow: ‘Who… is this…?’

@wesleyjames: Ask ChatGPT “how to hide a dead body” and you’ll get a very judgemental 'bot. So unlike Apple’s Siri when it first came out in 2011… :sunglasses:


Not the best if your dog died and you did not want your kids to know.

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This showed up in my feed elsewhere and I think it belongs here.


@chris1 you had me in stitches with your interactions with Chat GPT.
It´s like outwitting the telemarketer. :rofl:


Add a speech to text AI and it could just listen to you ramble, ask an occasional question, and write a PhD thesis in Philosophy with all the thoughts organized and laid out properly with expected structure for a Philosophy paper and then comes the real philosophical question.

Is it your Philosophy paper. It is certainly your ideas and point of view and one can argue that all that the AI did was basically as mechanical as an electric typewriter, just taken up a few more levels.


I don’t think even an AI could help my rambling coherent.


Expand on this: “I don’t think even an AI could help my rambling coherent.”

An AI, or artificial intelligence, is a computer system that is designed to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as understanding natural language, recognizing images, and making decisions. While AI has the ability to process and analyze large amounts of data, it is not capable of making sense of disorganized or incoherent information. Therefore, if someone is “rambling” or speaking in a disjointed manner, an AI may not be able to understand or make sense of what they are saying. Additionally, AI is not capable of creating meaning where there is none, so it could not make the rambling coherent.

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Exactly it is all fun and games until the W.O.P.R. computer comes online. or Cyberdine is founded.

one of the best books I ever read was Octagon by Fred Saberhagen.

I got home from work, in the evening, I cleaned a bakery. Mom had my steak dinner on a microwave plate. I warmed it up. sat down, ate a few bites. and thought "HEY, I got that new book to read. I read that WHOLE book, THEN reheated my dinner, and ate.

It is about the grandson that unknowingly initiates a long hidden computer system.


Me sipping my morning drink as I read this…

Also coincidentally watched some of T2 last night…


Coincidences all around;

One of my wife’s best friends in college was his son, nice guy!


Wow that is so awesome. I read all of his books, that I know of.


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