What have you accomplished while waiting for the Glowforge?

So another 6 to 8 months have been added to the already impressive waiting time. I was recounting what I have done in the time ever since I ordered…

  • Traveled Argentina for a month.
  • Renovated an apartment in Amsterdam
  • Followed a Japanese knife sharpening course.
  • Designed numerous T shirts and stickers
  • Went Snowboarding in France
  • Watched my girl fall apart and get reconstructed.
  • Watched my friend build a house from the ground up
  • Went Helicopter skiïng in Whistler Canada
  • Designed all kinds of to be lasered designs.
  • Made a baby
  • Worked on 20 events/ concerts and festivals
  • Bought a farm
  • Ordered and received a new car
  • Moved to said farm
  • Bought another car

So I’m curious. What have you all been up to?


Huh, there I was being happy just to get out of bed every day. Feeling just a little little ATM.


I taught myself how to use Adobe Illustrator in preparation for receiving the Glowforge…



Just busy with work, nothing glamorous…
But I’m impressed @darkdesign, you sound almost like a real life James Bond! :thumbsup:


Sounds like you have a sweet passive income stream set up to be able to do all that!

Just day-job in the day & freelance in the night over here.


Let’s see –

Got married to the love of my life
Helped launch a new Light Rail Line
Volunteered and supported a new International Non-profit that is making real changes
Helped a friend buy their dream home
Visited Alaska for the first time and skinny-dipped in a glacier-fed inlet
Spent time in Paris
Spent time in Provence
Continued to hone my digital sculpting skills
Continued to hone my 3D printing skills (latest printer has a magnetically attaching extruder head and it works great!)
Lived a life I truly love


Wrote some articles
Edited some marketing materials
3D printed a bunch of items
Got the kids to school every day
Adopted a kitten
Visited a bunch of cousins in germany
Assembled something fun for the 12-year-old’s birthday


Seems like all I’ve been doing lately is read the forums here.

Heli-skiing in Whistler must have been awesome, though. My best vacation was skiing Lake Louise about 40 years ago with a good friend and heli-skiing was a dream for a while.


I got up, made some coffee,
turned on my computer,
read the GF site,
drank more coffee,
read more GF,
ate lunch,
(class , class what did you do over vacation ?)


I’m right the opposite. Night job, freelance day. :slight_smile:

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men… this topic made me think about my life… hahaha I have to start doing something with it before mi glowforge arrives, because after I only will use it. :sweat_smile:


Letsee… Since October 2015 I have:

  • Worked 3 temp positions
  • Traveled to Cincinnati to see my best friend get married
  • Designed and cut thousands of products
  • Vended at 2 Tucson Comic Cons (both 2015 and 2016)
  • Did my last Phoenix Fanfest
  • Turned a year older
  • Did Long Beach Comic Expo
  • Got a new full time job
  • Did StarFest in Denver
  • Did Walker Stalker Denver
  • Did Calgary Comic Expo
  • Evicted an organ, and mostly recovered from said surgery
  • Went to a couple concerts (not many)
  • Lasered and designed even more products and designs

My life has changed significantly since ordering my Glowforge.
My step dad ordered a Glowforge a week after I got mine in October '15, and unfortunately he passed away last June.
In February I met a sweet girl whom I am going to marry in two months!
Got a 3D printer while I wait for the Glowforge
Made a cool halloween costume with it
I moved thirty miles from my old place, and now have a longer commute.
Fortunately work has stayed about the same!


Oh great! I’ve been waiting patiently all this time, and now you tell me I’ve got to actually do something while I wait?! What?!:wink:


My team designed and built a new cloud computing service which launched yesterday! https://aws.amazon.com/batch and https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-batch-run-batch-computing-jobs-on-aws/

  • Rebuilt two of my CNCs
  • Prototyped/built a new 3D Printer
  • Rebuilt our Kitchen.
  • Rebuilt our Living room
  • Got a new roof installed
  • Got new siding on the house (added an exhaust for the Glowforge)
  • Went to San Diego on Vacation
  • Went to NYC:Makerfaire

… you mean you had time for a holiday among all that???


I got fat.


Congrats on the babby, op.

Haha that’s my fault; I lost sixty lbs.

Hope you had some skyline!


It is. Newton’s law of conservation of mass says that fat cannot be destroyed so when you lose it someone else “finds” it. There are a fixed number of fat cells out there, when you lose them, they float around the air until they glom onto someone else. It’s just physics. You are responsible for someone else who got fat(ter)…all on you. It’d be nice if people would just keep their fat cells to themselves and not be so irresponsible they keep losing them. Didn’t your mother teach you to keep track of your things? :yum: