What is the smallest size font we can print?

Hi everyone, I am trying what I think may be impossible, but… I thought if it IS possible, someone here will be able to help me.
I am trying to print a logo on a 3" x 1" name badge that one part of the logo RV CAMPGROUND is extremely small. I have tried so many options and for me, it seems like it’s doable, but I haven’t been able to successfully. I am using Alegreya Sans SC and size is… 0.018" x 0.03" - like I said… a challenge.
I appreciate any good advice. I cannot make it bigger :frowning:

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probably depends on the font.

somebody at least 1 engraved a grain of rice a long while ago.

so that would be rather small text :slight_smile:


Thank you! I’ll try another font, but it has to be similar to their logo. This is for friends otherwise I would not been trying so hard.

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I don’t know that it matters much, but is it the thin, light, medium, bold etc. version of Alegreya Sans SC?


Can you share the file and let someone else give it a try? What are you engraving this on - acrylic, wood, aluminum?


I just checked and it’s regular. Maybe I should try a thin. The weirdest thing is that when I engrave it shows lighter than scoring = no sense to me!

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medium cherry . I am literally typing in the GF RV CAMPGROUND all in caps. I’ll try to take pictures, but… it’s sooo small. For me looks like the GF is over working, but I don’t know how to mess with the manual settings

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This is the file that my friend uses, but we have modified to take the RV CAMPGROUND off, but… a name tag should have the description of the business so I am trying

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The file needs to be zipped before uploading for anyone else to try.

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Good Luck!


ohh… I am sorry, I don’t know how to. I sincerely don’t want to take anyone’s time. I thought that maybe there was a minimum size that a letter will print. Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. I posted on the Glowforge World Facebook post because there I can post pictures = easy. Again, thank you so much for trying to help me.

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The Glowforge will engrave a single line or a pixel, so it isn’t a matter of how small a font can be. There is something else going on. Also, at the size you stated (.018 x .03) I’m not sure it can be read no matter what the font.


thank you!!!

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No apologies, most of us came here knowing very little. Right-click the file and “Send to” > Zipped folder. Then just drag and drop it here.

This place is full of people to help, and do it because they want to. From past experience, the people here are better informed and the quality of the information is better than FB. This is, after all the official Glowforge site. It is the best accessory for your laser. :sunglasses:


Ok. Once again, thank you very much for your time!!! If this was extremely important, I would learn how to zip the file in order to get more help, but the owners are ok with the description not being included, so it’s not right for me to ask for more help than you already gave me. :slight_smile:
I’ll take down my post so that I don’t take any more time of you guys. Everyone is so awesome here!!!

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just saw this post! Thank you!!!


I tried right clicking on the file, but it didn’t give me an option to “send to” weird…


Again, that’s why we hang out here!
The fundamentals come pretty quick, it won’t be long before you have a firm handle on it.


Are you working with a PC? It may be a Chrome thing, that’s what most of us use, so I’m not familiar with any other OS or browser.

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I am, and I also tried in Inkscape (which I know many hate…, but I don’t have the better programs). I am officially giving up on this one, because it’s for my friends and they are ok without it. I may add on the other side of the name tag as someone suggested to me at the FB group. I also would like to thank you very much for trying to help me!!! I do appreciate it! I wish I had posted hours ago before I wasted so much of my time.