What is This Clip-Paths Error?

Clip paths errors appear when you have objects in your design that overlap each other to provide some negative or positive space. Often they appear when someone uses a white fill color to indicate negative space and places it over an object that already has a fill.

The design softwares use clip paths and clipping masks as a useful feature and celebrate it! Yeah! Not good for how the Glowforge processes a vector though. That’s why it’s a challenge. When you search the topic, it generally doesn’t give much explanation on how this affects a vector as processed by a laser, specifically the Glowforge. Some programs add a clipping mask or path around the whole design, especially when exporting PDFs. You have to understand how exports work.

I like the idea of highlighting the clip paths to show what’s up.

You are going to have to look for visible clip paths, like a series of concentric circles each with alternating red or white fills that make a target. Each circle is smaller and just overlaid on each other, biggest on the bottom, smallest on the top. That creates a clipped path and results in a perfectly fine image of a target. Usually those images will work just fine for say a color laser printer or inkjet or whatever. Normal 2D printers are built to render images correctly and not put layers of white on red on white on red. They work as the image processing software does for your monitors and punch out or clip/masque the overlapping images.

Open this up in your design editing program and click away to understand. Right click, Save as in a place you can find it, and open it up in Inkscape, AI or your design software of choice.
Hope it helps.

clip path example

And as always, if you are willing to post your design, we can help comment on it. If it is something that you would like to not open up, do a personal message with it and I’ll check it out.