What is your best cold/flu remedy?

When I feel the beginnings of a cold coming on I dose up on Airborne chewables and ZInc lozenges and up my water intake. ALWAYS works at keeping it at bay or if it is progressed further before I catch it it only last a couple of days at most and not heavy symptoms. I swear by this. As far as the flu…I don’t know.


For my friends from Canada you should know this one for cough.

Tastes Honorable, like diesel fuel smells, but it really works.


Bronze is an alloy with zinc in it. At casting temps the zinc fumes big-time. Exposure gives everything, including your breath a metallic taste for hours.
The first time I tried a zinc lozenge I spit it out immediately. Couldn’t handle that metallic taste. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

On smoking, reflect on times when you were totally engaged in a task. Hours without even thinking about it, nowhere in you consciousness.
Then you have the thought; "A smoke would be really good right now.“
Ask yourself, what changed here? A moment ago cigarettes didn’t exist.
The thought. That’s what changed. Granted, there is a chemical dependence, but that is nowhere near as strong as habitual behavior. [quote=“thomas.alessi.jr, post:22, topic:5833”]
You’re doing such a good job not smoking you deserve a cigarette.” WTF

Exactly. You really want to quit, so you have to ask yourself "Who’s voice was that??
That my friend is your mind. A tool you have built to interface this world with. It is not your essence.
The mind is the true foe, not the cigarette. “It is the greatest warrior who defeats himself”.

Smoked for 40 years, a subtle form of enslavement. The struggle was a real bit*h, and it taught me a lot about myself.


I was talking with one of my Aunts about smoking. Told her how I still have dreams where I throw away my >4 year non-smoking record for a single cigarette. In my dream I feel completely worthless at that point. I wake up, check reality, and feel relieved. My Aunt said it’s been decades for her and she still has that dream every once in a while.

It’s funny that we refer to our brain as a possession. Isn’t our brain us? Aren’t we our brain? If we’re not, what are we? Where are we? My son expressed it best (as children often do) when he was about 3 and one of our cats died. I asked if he was okay. He said “My brain won’t stop thinking about him. I’m not thinking about him, but my brain is and it won’t stop.”


Clear thinking boy there…Children, teach your parents well


I learn things from my kids daily. The information age isn’t lost on them and they learn and subsequently teach some interesting facts (and some no-so-interesting facts). For example, my 8-year old son’s really into magic. Like a lot of kids. But he’s, like, really into magic. I learned from him just yesterday that Houdini died from appendicitis. Who knew?!


Made me think of Arthur C. Clark - “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
Chemistry in my mind comes close to magic.
Given an environment where liquid water exists, there is a chemical disequilibrium that encourages swapping electrons. Let that play out for 3 billion years - and here we are!

And Carl Sagan -“Spectroscopy is magical, and amazes me still.”
I would wager there are aspects of science that he might find intriguing. At just the right point in development, the right spark can ignite an intellect.


Very nice quotes! :slight_smile:

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Maybe the Glowforge can be used in combination with trepanation to change behavior. :cold_sweat:


A quick trip down to the barber for some bloodletting cures most things. For anything else I just use snake oil.


3 hot toddies in a half hour time, followed by a big bowl of Tom Kha Gai soup


Oh no, I’m a lightweight. 3 would leave me unable to walk back to bed … but one is great for me, and I’ll take a big bowl of Tom Kha Gai any day! I’ve been learning to make it, but still haven’t quite perfected the recipe.


I only had the flu once in my life. Be careful what you touch that isn’t yours and daily vitamin C tablet.
Have not had a real cold in years either, the worst I get is a bit of the sniffles.
2x 250 mg vitamin c tablets a day that taste like oranges is way better then getting sick.


And I bet Tea, Honey or Apple Cider Vinegar wouldn’t have fixed that. :head_bandage:


I had to reread that, I first saw hotbodies. :innocent:


Thanks for all the help everybody! A modified version of Jules’ & Lasermom’s formula seems to be helping the most. Ginger, turmeric, & cinnamon with honey, keeping my sinuses clear & I can drink it fast enough to help hydrate myself. Now, I have to get ready to go back to work!


Great! …I guess! Going back to work at this time of night doesn’t sound like a heck of a lot of fun! :relaxed:


No, it really isn’t, but I’m the only night shift mechanic, so it is a real hardship for the others when this happens. Thanks again for the help, tonight feels survivable at least.


I swear by Cold-FX. I take it as precaution when my coworkers start to cough or something is going around the office. If I start to feel sick, I take 2 pills every 4 hours and I’m good the next day!

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My approach is always to sleep too much and whine about it to the dogs.