What is your best cold/flu remedy?

Yikes! Wasn’t the flu huh? :worried:
That’s scary…I hope they’ve got you all fixed up now.


Thanks, Jules, actually I did have the flu that week, but went to the walk-in after the weekend & they made me take an ambulance to the hospital… They gave me two cardioversions that didn’t work, but they have me on a few drugs that are working at present, and, probably won’t let me go back to work until next month. I guess now I’ll have time to build that table for the GF. :smiley:


Take it easy for heaven’s sake! :no_mouth:

Naps sound good. :slight_smile:


Oh my, I fear that all of our hippy remedies wouldn’t have touched that! So sorry to hear about your hospital stay, but glad that you’re healing up now.

Perhaps construction projects are not the best idea ATM? Rest is your friend!

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Yes listen to your body. It’s probably telling you to rest and rejuvenate a bit. Glad you are on the mending track now.


Thanks everyone! Exercise is what the doctor ordered though, just not to get too crazy about it too quickly. A nice small project will be good mental therapy as well.


Wow, that’s a wake-up call nobody wants. [quote=“Pprmntpaty, post:85, topic:5833”]
Yes listen to your body

^ fortunate that you did! Take care man, and like the Doc said, don’t overdo it!


Thank you @printolaser. Considering some of the possible alternatives though, it is one that I’m actually quite pleased to have received! I won’t mind taking a few weeks off before having to scale a 3 story baghouse ladder with a bucket of tools in tow.

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Coal fired boiler? If the baghouse reference is what I’m thinking of.
I used to tear out and replace refractory lined ash pits in the public service units here in Denver metro, among other support.

Yes, nothing wrong with a break from that work!

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Actually, no, your job was much more labor intensive than mine. Our baghouses filter particulates from the drying process of our pet bedding products. During the coldest weather, the solenoids for the air blast to keep the filter socks clean, have a tendency to stick open and run our air pressure down. Not especially difficult, just a bit of a PITA.


Careful up there Leo.

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I’m glad you’re on the mend! On the upside, you might have time now to catch up with the forum!


my prescription:


Totally agree…animals around while you’re sick are very comforting. My 2 boy cats and dog cuddle with me when Im in bed…even more so when I’m sick…lol


I use Zicam early and often. It contains zinc that binds to the surface of a virus and prevents its replication. Every virus I could research, is inhibited by zinc. I also utilize yeast based selenium since it releases bound zinc already in your system. A side note: I have a paper somewhere that suggests that viruses only mutate within an specific organism, under the influence of enzymes. Only selenium deficient organisms can bring about the viral mutation. This leads to some interesting speculation about the decline of empires. A civilization grows large and depletes selenium from the soil, then dies from the mutated viruses that spring up.


I must be chronically severely depleted, I use Zicam also, but, have never noticed a difference in the duration or severity of symptoms, on the few occasions I abstained to judge its efficacy.


I am sensitized to that metallic flavor from casting bronze. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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if this is an accurate summation of the paper, it is complete nonsense (complete is perhaps a strong word)

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I’m ignorant enough of the subject to prohibit an opinion, but having everything I eat, drink or breathe taste like metal for hours - I prefer to suffer the infection.
I hardly get sick anyway, I attribute that to eating lots of dirt in childhood.


I have the same issue with it causing the metallic taste. Perhaps a swallowable supplement would work instead, but, I have put no effort into finding a replacement.

Apparently, breathing zinc fumes is no help at all, and will cause flu like symptoms. :grimacing: :laughing:

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