but every time he went to cut something hed get to say “youre gonna burn in hell!” and then laugh maniacally, echoing throughout the whole house, while it was cutting
ah, good point lol. sounds like a lovely guy
Let’s not forget that Lucifer means “bringer of light.”
True or “The Morning Star” which Jesus is also refered to as
Mt. Doom
@rgrannan I named my laptop Yggdrasil and my External Hard-drive Mimir… Anyway… I was thinking of naming mind Ivaldi, which is the father of dwarfs that made most of the Norse God’s weapons (and was bet by Loki that Brokkr and Sindri could not match the skill of). But I also like Gordi or Emmit.
Edited for Saga Accuracy
I’m going with Burnadette. I’ll save Scott for a more powerful (possibly goggles-requiring) model.
As a gay man, I will probably refer to my (g)low(f)orge as “the gf” or girlfriend.
My actual boyfriend will probably feel somewhat ignored once the girlfriend arrives in the mail.
We’ll be taking "fab"ulous to a whole 'nother level!
Since my dog’s name is Finn, I’ll probably name my GF Jake. Adventure Time!
lol — named the wifi hotspot on my phone “DHS Mobile Command” (Dept of Homeland Security)
Oh gosh… now I’m thinking I may want to name it Beam-O (BMO!)
Lazar Wolf
Pearl. Definitely Pearl. <3 <3
“Pearl is like a Samurai. She is, like, incredibly precise.”
—Rebecca Sugar
I’ll name mine “Crossbow.” It’s The name of the laser weapon in the movie “Real Genius.”
It’s a moral imperative.
I actually once spent a weekend at an event where I met a friend of a friend whose real, on the certificate, given name was Lucifer. Of course he was also a pagan priest, so he was Brother Lucifer. I think his brother was named Zeus.
I’ve decided I’m going to wait until my Glowforge is in it’s given place and let it reveal it’s name to me. I’m sure, over time, I will refer to it several times by some name…and that’s how it will work best for me.
My teachers real middle name was Leo, (same as me), he just loved a good controversy!