Hello creators, I am very new here. I would like to get some “masks” / “tapes” to protect wood while engraving and cutting (plywood for example). I have been through some of the topics here but most of the advices were related to suppliers that don’t ship to Europe (signwarehouse for example), or some sold out / out of stock products on amazon.
Any advices on which one works well and where I can find it as a European please ?
Thank you very much for the advices and the time you spent for this topic.
The .uk link you sent me don’t ship to France unfortunately.
There are certainly some french suppliers but I can’t make a difference between a good or bad mask since the recommended products where all not available for me. Is there a recommended brand ? Or product name (for tapes) that i can maybe find everywhere ?
Transparent should not be used but paper.
There are different qualities of adhesive, from stronger to lighter, the medium is perhaps a good compromise.
Oracal is a recognized brand and easily found in Europe.
Great thank you ! I just checked their website and found some interesting products. Have you ever bought from them ? Any specific product you would recommend ?
Thanks for the tips as well !
Glad to be helpful.
I’ve never bought them, I know them from acquaintances who work in the world of signage.
Find a dealer nearby and make sure they guide you.
Yeah, have just ordered on a website but seems it may be a scam after i ordered…
So for now haven’t found anything but will continue to look for advices and other websites
Okey so I finally got one for my country (France). It’s a SignFilm company based in Netherland. They ship to France so I imagine that they ship through all Europe but haven’t checked.
I find it quite expensive (shipping cost + taxes) and the customer service is in english but it’s a good alternative for now.
Speaking about local places I haven’t find any (I didn’t look that much and went to the biggest one which are generalists in hand craft and not specialists in masking).
The good thing is that I found there the R Tape many people recommended :