Where's my glowforge airfilter!

No one has their GF air filter. I have been waiting at least as long as you - I pre-ordered the first day - and don’t have one. My order page says October 2019 right now. You can check on this at any time by logging into your order page, or you can follow the multiple updates that have been posted here: Air Filter Latest

You may be referring to the compact air filter, which you would have received an email about, as we all did, and as was mentioned in several updates here on the forum.

Also, there was not a Kickstarter campaign for the GF - it was all private pre-orders.

You may consider using the search function of this forum when looking for this type of answer in the future. To do so, click on the magnifying glass icon in the upper right area of the forum and type in your search term. In this case, the result linked above is about four results down.