Why I have to cancel my glowforge

THIS is why I am happily single. My ex lied to me 1 too many times in the 19 years I was married to him. Now I craft when I want, leave my knitting and crochet all over the house, cook only when I want to, and have a rigid heddle loom in the center of the living room…right across from my sweet laser MewPew :slight_smile:

Good luck - hopefully she is more forgiving about the trust thing than I was.


As someone whose last three or so couches have come from relatives and friends who just needed a new one, if you ever do get that $5k couch, and you live in the greater Twin Cities area, I’m just saying…

I hope it works out for you.


I have a pathological inability to tell a lie to anyone. It’s an inconvenience for sure, but have learned not to volunteer the entire truth as compensation.


Once your daughter starts using it, she might end up reading this. :blush:

PS: my like of your story is that your :glowforge: is on its way.

My ex tried that as well as out-and-out lies. For me, break my trust and I will give you a do-over if you are repentant, but continue to be someone I cannot trust and it just takes too much of my valuable thought and concentration to have to wonder what is true and what is not when I could be doing something else - like creating wonderful things. Don’t waste my time. Tell me the truth (and there are ways to do so without being mean about it - for instance “that outfit is not the best choice for your curves” rather than “boy your ass looks fat in that”). Be someone who is an asset to my life, not a drain on it.

Took me way too many years to get to this place in my life. I do not suffer fools lightly, and if you try to play me then you are indeed, a fool. I give 100% to the handful of those in my “circle of trust”, and they in turn give 100% to me. It is a small group, but a distinguished one :wink:


I didn’t expect to post the truth of my ugliness without being taken to task about it, so I can respect everyone’s stance on it. Heck, I’m not even in my corner on this one :disappointed:

I wrestled with it a lot, but I never reversed my initial actions, for a few reasons that stood out:

My wife ALSO deals TERRIBLY with change of any kind, unless she herself is the change agent. To illustrate: we flew across country to attend a three day blues festival with my two best friends (married couple as well). She seemed excited, until we had parked our rental car in the garage and were walking to the elevator. She had a breakdown about meeting new people and sharing the (giant) hotel suite with them. She wanted to fly home IMMEDIATELY. I tried to be calming and supportive and reassuring for a solid five minutes standing in the parking garage. She wouldn’t budge. Eventually I had to say “I am going upstairs to meet my good friends who I unequivocally KNOW you will love. Come with me, or don’t.” She did, and they are now her best friends too even 5 years later.

I got military orders across country- that’s the way of life in this profession, which she knows very well as she is military too (reserve but used to be active duty). Her first convulsion response: “You are going without me then, and I’m keeping our daughter” :flushed:
Aaaaand a long several month fight about that stance until she finally came to terms with the change and now she says she’s soooo happy we came here and it’s the best thing ever.

It’s not that I force change on her constantly - I try to mitigate because I know it causes her extreme anxiety. But when it DOES happen it’s really tough to handle.

The Glowforge was originally HER idea- which like, NEVER happens. She knew I wanted a laser of my own for years, and she’d seen the amazing things I can make with them, and she saw the crowdfunding video on Facebook. She got excited, and said “we could get this one!” I wasn’t going to let an idea like that- which was HERS and thus not likely to cause her change phobia to kick in- pass. We did it.

Had it arrived on time, she would’ve still been excited, because she still was even after the first delay.

The delays killed it. She began to have buyers remorse hard-core, and her change aversion kicked in full-force.

That’s when it got tough, and I prayed it would just show up already- then everything would be fine again. But more delays. And eventually I did what I did, because like meeting my friends, I knew the thrash would pass and she would settle in to the change, and I’m the end I think she’ll be happy I went through with it.

This isn’t me trying to defend my actions- they were wrong and speak for themselves- I am merely painting the picture that set the stage for my frame of reference. I still am upset with myself for doing it how I did it, but in the moment… I just decided to stick it out and keep secretly waiting.

My UPS guy better not mess this up and deliver a smashed box (as he has done before several times). I really really really wish they would send it to me via FedEx. Batman is my FedEx driver- the joker pulling up in a semi truck with “Slaughter” spray painted on the side is my UPS man. He’s an agent of chaos.


I can appreciate your position. I think it will be an easier attitude transition for her since she was excited initially.

My wife usually comes around to accepting change I initiate pretty quickly (if not, it becomes ammunition, and I only have myself to blame). After 39 years she has adapted to my MO, and I to hers. My bet is she will be glad you stayed with it, although she may not say so. The fact that you (both) got a great deal on a machine that is now selling for twice what you paid should help.
All of the tools I have gathered across life further my ability, but none cultivate the imagination like this one. If she has any creative tendencies, you should survive the experience.
Here’s hoping your laser arrives unscathed, and you both have a lot of fun exploring the glowforge!

set up myUPS now. when the shipping email comes, change delivery to pick up at UPS hub. eliminate the driver from the final leg and pick it up yourself. many of us have done this.


boy you are brave…
I don’t know how to lie to my wife. having said that, I never straight out admitted to her how much I put down on the GF . and when I did hint that I spent a few grands on it, I immediately follow with “think of all the money we will make with things we will create” argument.
incredible that she still falls for that one…

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Just remember those four magic words: "You’re right, I’m sorry."

Advanced lesson: Do not under any circumstance reverse the order, i.e. “I’m sorry you’re right.” :scream:


Chocolate Bars and Starbucks Lattes works.

Captain Awesome gave me both yesterday and I haven’t figure out what he did yet… LOL

I think it’s admirable that you do feel the guilt and acknowledge what you did. A genuine I’m sorry to start would be good! Plus it’s not as if you stole, kill or done something super terrible. You bought a laser - that is pretty cool!


That’s funny!
But you do know he knows there will be consequences - whatever it was! Damage control.


maybe he was the first to remember that they both forgot their anniversary?

And can’t a guy just want someone to know they are loved?


It’s a RAT (Random Act of Thoughtfulness). That way nice things aren’t automatically an indicator of having done something untoward :slight_smile: Most guys make the mistake of flowers or whatever either only when they’re expected or in atonement for doing something wrong. RATs break that connection :wink:


bahaha! Captain Awesome does RAT sometimes but it’s only 1 thing. So when it’s 2 things with a sheepish grin… my radar went off! LOL

If I had to guess it’s that he bought more Lego sets and they are taking over our bedroom. :smirk:


Ooohhhh…the catalog that came in last week has some awesome new sets. Big dollars though :smile:

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Yup! That’s my guess hahaha

He got the Lego Old Fishing Store and 2 other big Technic Sets for Christmas. His man cave is full so they are spilling into our bedroom. I literally open my eyes in the morning and I see Lego.


Careful you’ll make some of us jealous and we’ll have to go buy more sets.

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Buy more sets buy more sets!

I told Captain Awesome that for every Lego set he buys - I can have more bags or shoes!
He rolled his eyes at me…:roll_eyes:


My nephew gave my the Saturn V set for xmas. :rocket: Exactly 1 meter tall and a very appropriate 1969 pieces. :squeeee:

P. S. Cap’n is definitely preemptively making nice.