Wifi Network Changed Glowforge Wifi Setup App Does Nothing


I have been running a Glowforge Pro machine for something like 5 years on a wifi network that has been changed recently. I factory reset my machine and there is apparently now a desktop app required to go through and do the wifi setup.
I downloaded the app, triggered the blinking teal light, and connected to the Glowforge broadcast wifi network on a Windows 10 PC. The app shows nothing. Literally completely blank (this is true whether I am connected to the full normal internet or the Glowforge network.
Here is a screenshot of that.

I read that the Glowforge sets itself as the DHCP server for it’s own network so I did run a ipconfig check and I am being given an IP address from the Glowforge DHCP (

I also used my browser to go to which is what I’ve read the desktop application is supposed to be doing under the hood and I get a “success” message but no meaningful content to proceed with setup.


Any help here? Am I mis-using the desktop application somehow? Can I do this via a browser? I’ve tried Firefox and Chrome, incognito and not, http and https. I have yet to hit an actual setup page with any content on it and I’m also unclear how my browser is supposed to get the dns information for setup.glowforge.com when I am connected to the non-internet Glowforge network. I am connecting to the machine as this screenshot indicates.

I am not a regular windows user so I also went through and disabled the firewall and changed the Glowforge network to private so it was more “trusted”.

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

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Does your new home wifi broadcast in 2.4gHz? The Glowforge does not work with 5G.

Do you get to this page?


Thanks for the response. Yes, the network at my house has 2.4gHZ and also this should not matter yet. My Windows PC is able to connect to the Glowforge machine but the desktop application is not doing anything. My current thinking is that the desktop app issues are the thing to figure out/resolve. During this portion of the setup process my 2.4gHZ network is not involved at all.

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I have never had to download any app for setting up wifi on my machines.

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I’m not going to repeat the entire setup process to check as mine has always worked fine, but I did try to go thru the process as far as I could without resetting the machine (machine was not even turned on). From both my phone and laptop, it appears there is now no way to set it up without downloading the app to a computer. I find that unfortunate, because I never needed to in the past.


I had a bit of that sort of trouble that my laptop was connected to the machine and not to the internet. when I connected the laptop back to the internet the machine did not connect. Finally, I used my tablet to connect to the machine and when I set the laptop to the internet the machine went there also, and I was able to have things work correctly ever since.


Google Chrome has you download the Desktop App for setup whenever a new printer is received, or there are changes to the network (name or pass, etc) and should guide you through the same steps and references while using a different browser like Firefox. Sometimes a browser extension can cause trouble with Chromium-based browsers like Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.

Once you have that ready, manually enter the setup.glowforge.com. The order of operations is very specific, so I would also double-check that the step matches the current action (E.g., holding down the printer button until it turns teal)

When the printer button is teal, the computer is in its Wi-Fi setup mode and broadcasts a temporary connection point in the list of Networks nearby. You should see the Glowforge XMF-669. When that is clicked and connected (you may see open, secure) status. Your computer and printer will go offline so you can complete the rest of the setup steps. I wanted to clarify and see if that may help you get up and printing soon.


Is there an alternative to usng the Desktop App? I am trying to reconnect my Glowforge on a school network after the wifi was changed. The school does not allow additional desktop apps to be added to school devices, and this was one of the reasons we invested in a Glowforge, beng all brower based.

Google Chrome will have you connect through the App, so the next best step would be to try to use Mozilla Firefox. The steps are all contained in the web browser without the need to download the App.

You mentioned that your Glowforge is located in a school and recently changed the Wi-F network. You may need to work with your IT team for added help if the steps fail at any point. If that is needed, it can help to bookmark the following link that deals with network configurations:

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