WJL's Production Machine Projects

I’m a hypnotist, so I can answer that: if you understand the principles, you can use pretty much anything going on around you to hypnotize someone, or yourself.

Time distortion is a common side effect of a hypnotic trance, so chances are that you actually were in that state. It’s a naturally occurring state that people experience all the time, like when you tune out the room while watching TV or arrive home without consciously remembering making the turns along the way.

That said, hypnosis isn’t what most people think it is (it’s not an external mind-control that turns you into a zombie, like you see in movies), and it’s not a particularly useful state in daily life, since knowing how to actually use the trance to direct the person in making their desired changes is 99% of hypnotherapy, so I’m sorry to tell you, your laser-hypnosis powers probably won’t help you take over the world or anything. :slight_smile:


Dang! I was counting on that.



Lol thank you for the realistic explaination so many people dont get. I use it for pain management and healing. Had all three kids no drugs and no pain using self hypnosis. Use it at the dentist too.
Now if I could just use it for weightloss and laziness…lol


Glad this came up. What I was going to suggest. The glare from the LEDs can be a problem on some images like this. Also, why haven’t they put a tool tip for the contrast adjust thing in the interface yet. I have to look it up in the forum. I use it so infrequently I forget.

Trace Contrast is Ctrl + Arrow UP/Arrow Down

And such a great first set of prints. Super amazing. And I didn’t do the plaque for a while because it would have required me drawing something and that just leads to cat-pigs! Better to have an image on hand.

The hydra and other logos are great. I was thinking of making a set of dominos and putting them on the reverse side.


Lol, yeah, I have to explain it to a lot of folks, there are so many misconceptions out there. It’s SO great for pain and healing, good for you! I got a second degree burn last weekend, and removed the pain and redness immediately and it’s barely there now, it feels like having cheat codes for life! You definitely can use it for weight loss and motivation, though if you want to chat about that, we should probably to take it elsewhere since this is pretty far off topic already. I will happily talk about hypnosis all day long (I love this stuff!), but I doubt everyone here wants to read about it. :slight_smile:


I’m finishing up the set of coasters today and will post a new Day 2 topic. They are fun. I’ll get brave soon and try them in some 1/4" non Proofgrade wood.

Thanks for the “Attaboy”. I’m not pushing the limits by any means, but I think it’s good to show all the forum members what they are waiting for and what they really can do. Although I talked about the :glowforge: incessantly with my Niece Jackie and her Husband Guy, they didn’t quite get it until they saw it in action. Guy is pretty tied to his phone when not actively engaged with family. He spent a good 15 minutes just staring at the Batman linocut that was in process. “Oh look, it’s engraving his face now. Wow, it’s doing the building now. I can’t believe how detailed it is.”

It’s worth the wait, and I was lucky to get one of the early ones.


Its the whole I know how to do it, but its the lazy why bother talk…lol.

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I’d love to know more about it. Especially for my mom who suffers a lot from upper back pain. It is frequently stress related so I’m thinking hypnosis might help her. Would you create a new topic?


Yeah, that definitely happens to me too. At least we know how to make the changes when we’re ready to. Or when we get around to it, lol. :wink:


I’m happy your having such a great time with it. That just confirms for me that all this waiting is well worth it in the end. Keep up the fantastic projects!:grin::glowforge:

Great, retirement funding plan B has just been all shot to heck.[quote=“larenore, post:46, topic:8550”]
but I doubt everyone here wants to read about it.

As long as you’re past post ten it doesn’t matter here.


Done. :slight_smile:

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There’s another even secret-er shortcut - I believe it’s ctrl-shift-arrow. It’s in the manual. It controls the amount of “fill in” of shapes. It’s hard to explain but very useful to experiment with.


The combination of these 2 keystroke shortcuts worked very well. Futzing around with both of them in different combinations should cure almost any B&W trace issue.

One question for anyone out there - Dan mentions his shortcut is in the manual.

Who is this Manual and where might meet him?? :grin:

I have the Glowforge Basic Manual v2.0 that I saved when accepting shipment and the First Three Prints Manual that came with shipping notice. Is there any other that I’m missing?


Ah, I forgot - we have a great deal more material being reviewed by @rita and team right now!


Thanks. In the meantime, I’ll keep mashing buttons when I want it to do something extra extra special. :grinning:


Does he look like this?