Nicely appointed shop there - and entirely too clean.
…not a shop, simply a garage with some “maker” workspaces
Nice workspace! Yep, I too hope GF brings more innovation. XTool is getting hard to ignore.
Hopefully with AC and heat
My only concern is how loud it is running since you cannot Turn off the Internal Fan System and use an External Fan , can you elaborate on this for me as I am very close to making my purchase > of the P2
It has an internal exhaust fan, like a Glowforge does. It is loud, like Glowforge’s, maybe even louder. There’s no software control to turn off that fan, so it’s going to be that loud when running unless you physically remove the fan. If you physically remove the fan, you’ll have to acknowledge an error in the control software every time you want to use it. I haven’t removed mine yet, so I can’t guarantee that’s the only noisy fan either. It sounds like the machine has an intake fan on a side and some cooling fans in the back where the laser tube and some other components are in addition to the exhaust fan.
A louder Laser is a deal breaker for me, they just need to allow for an external fan , but without that I am stuck in the Glowforge Eco world still. ugh. crying . Let me know how that hack of removing the Fan works if possible. Thanks Dan.
The XTool Air Filter which comes separate is significantly quieter than the one Glowforge has. Also less expensive on both initial and recurring costs. So though the XTool P2 machine itself is louder, when coupled with the external air filter, the total is quieter. Does that make sense? If you don’t use the Glowforge external air filter though, no question the Glowforge is quieter.
Not sure I understand, how does the Separate Air Filter work if you cannot turn off the Internal air filter like on a glowforge, would that not add to the sound >?
Both Glowforge and XTool sell an external air filter that eliminates the exhaust smell so you don’t need to vent it out a window.
Understand, but how do you turn off the fan to use those ?
I thought on the P2 there was no way to turn off the Internal Fan ?
Sorry but I am confused.
The P2’s “airflow of the air pump” can be adjusted in the settings window. One can control (to an extent) the amount (percentage) of airflow for engraves, and for cuts (independent of each other) from 100% (the default settings) down to 30% (but not lower). So, one cannot turn it off completely within the xTool Creative Space software. Others have talked about hardware modifications, but 30% is the lowest airflow within software parameters.
@hollidude was saying that (P2 fan + P2 fume filter) is quieter than (Glowforge fan + Glowforge fume filter). Neither combination is quieter than (Glowforge with fan disabled + inline fan).
That makes total sense, and why I had to stay with the Glowforge System with another Pro Model.
I also spoke with X tool and confirmed that there is no way to shut off the Fan , Thank you .
Completely agree
I know that an air filter has a starting cost, and then… during usage, even higher maintenance costs to substitute the filters.
When I purchased the GF Pro, the GF Air Filter was still non available.
And as I had all the stuff sent from US to Italy (with high delivery costs and taxes), at the end I preferred purchasing the XTool Air Filter (compatible with my M1 and the P2) that was less expensive both as initial cost, delivery/taxes (shipped from Europe) and future filter replacements.
Even if the Xtool filter has a smaller intake diameter (3 inches vs GF 4 inches) it seems working. I’ve set the GF Pro to work with the external purifier and I think that the GF pushes-out air a little more than how much the Xtool air purifier can pull-in /manage (I see the pipe trying to increase a bit the lenght, when working). Anyhow it seems working, at the moment I’ve not had any problem.
In terms of noise, the xTool Air Purifier is sure more quiet than the GF Pro, even with the GR Pro set to use the external purifier.
The GF Air Filter is rated 350W and 350mc/h, the xTool one… I’ve asked (seems pretty similar).
Obviously the best would have been to have a window but… I’m in an underground garage, so the only different option would have been to extract the air from the garage door to the underground pit lane (that has some ventilation grilles to open air)… but… I’m unsure about the air exchange rate down there, and I wouldn’t like neighbours complaining for potential smokes in the garage lane
You should see @dwardio’s rig:
He did a nice work… even if in Italy we normally do not live in single houses but in apartments… so this solution was not viable to me.
In any case… more than taking outside an electrical appliance (the fan, able to manage icy winters and rains?) I would have… simply made an hole in the window, as I did upstairs, in my flat, where I do not have the space to place the GF and I installed an xTool M1 10W with an exhaust pipe connected to my windows (+ inline fan). Perfectly sealed and… engineered myself with a 3D printer and some magnets. I do not like the window well solutions…
Obviously I purchased a new window glass (double glass) with a custom 4" hole…
You can see here what I did… the green piece is connected to the hose, the gray one is connected to an external metal vent - purchased on amazon, the blue piece is simply a cap if I want to remove the hose. Two laser cut EVA rings seal the connection.
That is a very nice installation. I have enjoyed hearing about your x tool laser. It is refreshing to hear about the difference between it and the glowforge without all the bashing that some others do.
That is an amazing piece of work. Purchasing a double glazed window with a 4" round hole would be an amazing thing all by itself. The normal double-glazed window I purchased many years ago were said to be ruined if outside air ever got in much less a matched pair of 4" holes.
In checking 350 Mc/h translates to ~200 CFM that is very weak for a glowforge, and that is before the filter starts to clog. I would want at ;least double that through put on a new filter.