Yeti Style Tumblers with a Glowforge!

It seems like a lot of people are requesting custom YETI tumblers from me lately, so I made a quick video on a style of tumbler that we can easily do with the Glowforge.


Thanks! I had no idea 2 color laser silicone was a thing, new rabbit hole!


They also have bottle openers that have silicone on them to engrave. I have a few to try, but I haven’t gotten that far down my list yet. :slight_smile:


oh nooooo, not another rabbit hole. I feel like I’m in a maze and don’t care if I never find my way out.

That’s a great graphic, by the way.


The graphic was in an SVG package I bought of of Etsy. Wish I had thought of it, but I purchased it. :slight_smile:


Another rabbit hole Freaking awesome. Very nice video too BTW Thank you.


Great video, packed with good info.


Do you have a link for those tumblers?

If you have a resellers certificate for your state (sometimes called a Sales & Use Certificate) you can sign up for a company like JDS Industries ( to buy them.

Otherwise there is a link in the video description on Youtube to the Tried and Tested facebook group. They have a storefront where they also sell to those that don’t have a resellers certificate.

I’ll try and post it here too since I don’t think it shows the video description on the embedded video here.

Tried and Tested group link:

Hope that helps!


Gentle reminder that it’s against forum guidelines to ask for designs.

If someone shares a print that they’ve made, please respect their sharing and do not ask for the source design or artwork. Designs take work and have value, and when you ask someone to give you that value for free, you undermine their work.

It’s not my file so I don’t feel right sending it out, but there are links in the video description for two google groups that you can get the jig from.

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Sorry, all I could picture were white, shaggy furred tumblers!


…with a Glowforge, no less! oh yeah, you made me laugh. :laughing:

I know this thread is a little old now, but I’m trying to find these tumblers without any luck. Triedandtestedblanks on FB is not letting me join their now-closed group. I don’t have a sales tax certificate to buy them from JDS. Where else could I find these tumblers?

They sell them at grocery stores around here, but they won’t fit in the GF.

You have to watch the video. He removes the silicon sleeves and flattens them on a jig to fit the GF

I got some from Inkwelldesigners last Christmas.

They worked pretty well and they provide a jig to flatten the silicon wrap.


Thanks, but if there’s a way to buy something from them that’s not already engraved on their site, I’m not seeing it.

I just bought a case of the tumblers. Call them and ask if they still sell that way.

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