I believe that there is because the filter is powered.
Past comments from Dan:
Can you have the filter and main unit separate?
…to which Dan replied:
Thanks @takitus (and @scatterbrains) for digging this up. I missed the whole macaroni connection things. Will edit above.
@Dan thank you for your quick response in this matter. Do you think it would be possible for you or your crew to show the world the way a GF Pro + Air filter actually connects via pictures and/or video? I feel that doing so would slam shut the door on any more questions on the matter.
Since we haven’t seen any connectors on the side edges of the Glowforge, I would bank that if any of the pre-release forgers were to take a bottom shot of their unit (Basic or Pro), they would see a multi-pin electronic connector (perhaps under a plastic cover) which aligns with the Filter it sits on top of… much like a docking connection.
Speculation on my part - by “nontrivial” means, you could make a custom wiring harness to extend it further. Because there’s an elbow for the ducting to interconnect the filter to the forge, there’s no vertical hole connecting the two units for air filtration.
There are other potential methods for the Glowforge to communicate with the filter:
- Via the speaker (although unless the Glowforge has a microphone, it’d be one-way, so this isn’t likely)
- Bluetooth (just speculating that the Glowforge board may have a bluetooth chip)
- WiFi (if the filter has its own WiFi)
You forgot to mention the highly trained gerbil!
There’s some very specific reasons why you’d not want to have an exhaust filter controlled by wireless… namely, if you can’t wirelessly connect to the device to turn it on/off/regulate speed, then you’re adding yet another mess to the whole “why doesn’t my Glowforge want to print?”
Oh, I don’t disagree! But then again, those same reasons apply to the laser cutter itself, and yet here were are
I know my question is already answered somewhere deep down this amazing forum but I can’t find it does anyone know (specially those fortunate ones who have one already) how much our baby gf weights??? If you can put it down on kilos I’ll be eternally grateful!
31.75 kilos.
Thank you @Jules have a great day!
Every speaker is a microphone. It’s a reversible process.
I used to joke that I left my tv on at all times because when it was powered off the cable company might activate the “eavesdrop” function, turning my speakers into microphones.
But the joke got flipped on me. They put mics and cameras onto the tvs, and now you pay extra to let them listen to you.
At a recent medical informatics conference I was at, they had a talk by a cybersecurity researcher who was showing insane methods of leaking data. He participated in a challenge where he had to record conversations in a room with laser detectors, glass vibrators, and all sorts of other electronic countermeasures. So his team focused a telephoto lens on a potato chip bag on one of the guys’ desks inside the challenge room with a HD camcorder. Then then visually processed the vibrations of the room noise on the chip bag foil. Was a kind of crappy recording (like a cheap cassette recorder with a slightly worn belt) but totally understandable and undetectable to the folks inside the room…
My Defense:
Makes me think of the project I saw recently where Japanese researchers pulled fingerprints from photos of someone holding up a peace sign.
I was in a couple of Apple’s videos (one in the iconic white studio) and in that one they filmed me from across the studio on Red 5K cameras (man money is no object in that studio) and as I would use my iPad, they kept having a guy come out and polishing the screen. I thought it was because they didn’t want to show the screen could smudge, but the camera operator said “no, it’s that at 5K the entire world would be able to pull your fingerprint from the video!” Oh… polish away!
That video is #4 on this list:
In college we had a lab where we made a speaker into a heart monitor. Fun times.
Then there’s the TSA, who lost control of the entire set of luggage keys…
That’s really neat!
And the fun of that, since I fly to the middle east for business, is that you can’t bring laptops/tablets or anything valuable now at all (how do I conduct business?). So you can’t carry them on and you can’t check them since security on stealing from luggage (as opposed to putting bad stuff in) is a joke and now you can’t lock it since everyone and their mother can 3D print a master key in a few minutes…