Any possibility we might one day see some slightly thicker hardwood Proofgrade offerings, particularly the lighter colors? Quarter inch? Maybe 1/3 inch?
Maybe 8" x 8"?
(Must go deeper.)
Any possibility we might one day see some slightly thicker hardwood Proofgrade offerings, particularly the lighter colors? Quarter inch? Maybe 1/3 inch?
Maybe 8" x 8"?
(Must go deeper.)
I agree, would love to see 1/4" Proofgrade in all the colors.
I really like that idea as well, I’m just not fond of the imagined price tag
The shop currently shows 503 errors for me, but I thought there was a Thick option for the Proofgrade plywood that was 1/4 inch? The Medium is 1/8 inch
No, don’t want plywood for this…I’m looking for Hardwood for 3D sculpting.
(Oh look at that…that’s what it takes to see those little Solution boxes…I guess we have to be the ones to ask the question.)
Definitely misread your initial post. Since I have my own woodworking shop I don’t buy the hardwoods, I can cut mine to whatever thickness I want.
PM me if you have something specific in mind and maybe I can cut something down for you to use?
Let me finish the testing on the draftboard and I might just take you up on that…you could sell me a few blank scraps if I can’t find a local supply. (We don’t get a lot of hardwoods down here, but I’m going to check Home Depot… they might have some smaller maple or basswood blanks.)
Thanks for offering!
Always glad to help a glowfriend! I’ve got lots of wood that HD doesn’t carry.
I’m in the same situation as you are. I don’t have too many places in Southern CA. To get good choices of hardwood. I have bought from these people & seems to be pretty good. Ocooch Hardwoods
I will check them out! (Hope to God the shipping isn’t too bad though.)
(Ohhhh, this looks good…lots of choices.)
I would love this too, but cringe at the thought of what they would charge for this.
How shipping is calculated
Orders less than $30.00 shipping is $13.00
Over $30.00 and less than $70.00 = $15.00
Over $70.00 and less than $250 = 20%
$250 or more = 10%
Awesome! Definitely going to go do some ordering tonight after dinner.
I second that for Ocooch. Good prices, not too crazy on shipping. Wood arrived quickly and was nice, flat, and good quality.
You might want to find a local woodcraft location they have all thicknesses and sizes of all different types.
Rockler is another chain with locations all over the US. I’d expect most people who live near a large city to have either Woodcraft or Rockler (or both) within an hour’s drive.
We have a local Rockler, but they don’t carry much in the way of exotics, and most of what they do have is warped beyond use in these machines. (Downside to living in the jungle.)
Oh, that’s too bad. Some of their stores carry quite a lot.
I picked up a couple of narrow pieces the last time we went in…but they had no Yellowheart, very little Purpleheart, no Zebrawood. (Small selection in the thinner slices.)
I echo the recommendation of Ocooch Hardwoods. Never had a bad order. I also ordered their baltic birch plywood and was very pleased.
I would also recommend D&D Woodcrafts ( They have a very wide range of offerings.
Constantines Wood Center ( has a more limited selection, but some species/sizes I don’t see elsewhere.