App screen is blank


I have been using the app successfully for 3 months.

Today, the app is blank after I log in. I cleared the cache and have tried both Safari and Chrome and still the screen is blank.

Was there a software update?

Any suggestions?

Here are the errors in the chrome console – something about invalid cert date or SSL Certificate.




I think their site is having problems, as I am having the same issue. Wish they would post something about this and when they think it will be fixed. I’ve got deadlines to meet!

Yes, there was an update. Go to your Dashboard and click the Read More link under the Latest Improvements sidebar entry.

(Don’t know if that’s what is causing the issues here, but that’s where they announce things that are coming and have been done.)

We have a firmware update ready that will improve your machine’s ability to connect to our servers. Most printers will update the next time you turn your Glowforge off and on. However, if you reboot your system and it doesn’t connect to Wi-Fi, please follow the instructions on This will reset your connection and ensure the update is downloaded.

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No offense Jules, but the issue is that no one can access the Dashboard.

I know. That’s why I added the instructions underneath from the Latest Improvements section. :slightly_smiling_face:

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It was confusing because you directed people to go to their Dashboard to click Read More…

Yeah, I didn’t realize it cratered the Dashboard until about the 30th cry for help. :wink:

It’s not the firmware update. Here’s the notice

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It’s most likely the update that caused the issue today. Especially if they forgot to include the new secure certificate with the rollout.

Yes, I know. That will teach me to try to get ahead of these things. :smile:

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Also not able to load the application. This is a hit to the workflow…


I’m sorry for the difficulty you have been having accessing the Glowforge App.

We experienced an outage on The team is investigating. You can subscribe to status updates for this issue here.

We’ll continue to update that page as we have additional information.

Thanks for your understanding, and I’ll now close this thread.