Avoiding Double Cut Lines In Your Designs

Avoiding Double Cut Lines in your Designs.pdf (525.8 KB)

Note for Adobe Illustrator users:

Watch that you always place the stroke in the center of the path (not either inside or outside the path) because the newer versions of Illustrator automatically Expand those when you create your SVG file. (The older versions didn’t.)

Just check the Stroke style, and make sure it is centered on the path.


Thank you Jules :purple_heart:

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…OOOOOOOOOhhhhh… THAT’s why… smacks forehead with PG Maple :laughing:


Thanks, Jules


Hey Jules, I still don’t understand this. I can see three lines in my image using view outline but i’m not sure how to fix it. I’ve played with the fill and stroke settings but nothing is working, thanks!

Ungroup - select one of the cut lines, and delete it. You will also want to get rid of the fill if you are interested in Cutting or Scoring. Fill color is going to create an engrave.

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It says “Nothing to ungroup” when I go to click on it. I created an image on Sketchable, traced it to bitmap on Inkscape, and now it’s a Vector Copy if that helps.

I’m not familiar with Sketchable or what it outputs. In Inkscape, try Path > Break Apart and Ungroup to try to break it into it’s components. Delete any Fills or set to Null. (X)

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Okay i’ll try that, thanks!

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That worked for me, thanks a lot!

Great! Have fun! :slightly_smiling_face:

I am going to try this!!

I think I get it now. I will try this. thank you Jules!

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Jules, do you use illustrator?

Yes, I do, but it’s an older version. Watch that you always place the stroke in the center of the path (not either inside or outside the path) because the newer versions of Illustrator automatically Expand those when you create your SVG file. (The older versions didn’t.)

Just check the Stroke style, and make sure it is centered.


omg thank you! Been scratching my head for days on this.

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Welcome to the forum. As you have discovered, there is lots of info here.

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Is there anyway to change it in the GFUI? MANY of the graphics in there cut double lines. BTW is there a newer conversation on how to use the interface, or a handbook? I just looked at one that was 2 years old and -SURPRISE!- there IS a way to scale objects. I didn’t know that, I’ve just been trying to eyeball it. I wanted to quote that for other people who may not be up to speed on GFUI and it told me the conversation was 2 years old and implied that I would be sorry if I did. It took me awhile to figure out that I had to hold down the shift key to increase the size in one dimension, not 2, and I still don’t know how to do it on my iPad.

The graphics in the Premium subscription part of the Glowforge interface are mostly from the Noun Project. If they are not designed with single cut lines, they can’t be changed. You can, however, use the outline tool for a single line around the entirety of the graphic. Also, you should look at the Keyboard Shortcut Keys for more info on manipulating, moving and sizing design elements within the interface. https://support.glowforge.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034142433-Keyboard-Shortcuts

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