Bear with salmon... first stab at grayscale

I especially like the way you do the bear’s fur. That detail adds so much to the design. :grinning:


Zowie. Really nice.


Thank you :blush: I love details!! They show up in all my illustrations


Beautiful! I love your illustrations. What kind of wood?

This is on a large bamboo cutting board!! And thank you!!

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I love etching bamboo. It cleans up so easily with a soft toothbrush and dish soap. Unfortunately you lose the burn. :frowning:

AMAZING detail and art!!! How long did it take you to do the 50 by 40 size???

Yeah… I have noticed :unamused: Is there a better wood you would recommend for detailed work?

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42 years :laughing: honestly… about 2 weeks of full time work if I were to add it up. The piece sold the first day I debuted it at an art festival


Nice to see the artist as well as the art.


I actually like maple and the burn it gets. It has a nice look. You could use a dark wood like walnut but I don’t think you would get the same depth of image. Have you tried flooding the etch with color?

Not with wood! I used to etch copper, patina and sand off the top revealing the illustration… but that was ALOT of work. I will have to try it with wood. What would you recommend using to flood the wood?

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I am playing with colored resin I will have to post the finished product soon. You will still have to sand to get a uniform surface, but it looks cool. Flooding it with syringes gives you more control over the flow.

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oh cool! I would love to see the results!!

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I’ve done a few with project with color resin fills and they tun out looking fantastic. I agree about the syringes, they make it way easier to control. The first few i just dumped it on and ended up spending way too much time sanding. :slight_smile:

Here is one of the first one i tried.


I hadn’t seen that post. They look amazing!


oh!!! I like that! Now the wheels are turning…

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Lol on the 42 years!!! Someone looked at one of my wood carvings the other day and asked me how long it took. I told them 20 years, so you out did me!!!

Your work is amazing, I like the way you have incorporated native art into your work. I live in Olympia and maybe someday I will be able to see your art in person.

I get carpel tunnel in my wrists just looking at the effort it must take to create that much detail.

AND, my back hurts knowing how far you have to bend over and reach across such a large work area! :slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing your work!!!

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No way!! I am in gig harbor!! Hello neighbor! I have carpel tunnel… and a good drafting table. Unfortunately my glowforge is now sitting on it :crazy_face:


I hope I absorb some of the talent here. I am in Shelton, and will be following.

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