Please I Need a black belt replacement ASAP. Sent several emails with no response, so trying here instead. How come this isn’t available to purchase in the store?
Please I Need a black belt replacement ASAP. Sent several emails with no response, so trying here instead. How come this isn’t available to purchase in the store?
Message me, I sell spares. Belts are $15.00 plus shipping.
Lots of folks are stocking extras so they are out sometimes but here is the official source.
The store doesn’t stock replacement belts yet. (Or wheels for that matter - a couple of things it seems should be available.)
OOPs, shows what reading without glasses will get you
I think the belt might be more generic, however.
The first thing that came to my mind was a black belt for Karate!
The Glowforge qualifies, doesn’t it?
lol I don’t know, I only qualified for my green belt!!
Every city should have one of those!
My name is Mercedes and I’m part of the Technical team here at Glowforge.
I would be happy to start an email ticket with you so I can go ahead and order that if you would like. Let me know how you would like to proceed.
I already submitted an order last week but still havent received my belt yet, Havent even received tracking info. I need this asap
do you still have belts for sale, I sent you my email and never received a reply
Hi, I’m sorry I’m not seeing any emails or orders under this email. Could it be under a different email?
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