So having made an addon for Blender to let you export SVG’s I thought I should show you the whole process to make a simple something in blender and then export it into our Glowforge.
I’ve been working on this for quite some time as I know many here have never touched or perhaps even heard of Blender. Over the last few months I’ve created an entire series to introduce those coming from a 2D design based program into Blender and how to be very precise within blender: Blender Precision Modeling Tutorial Series
If you have any questions or feedback please do not hesitate to ask as I’m more than happy to help.
I was working with Blender before Inkscape and developed a material using Blend that would take the most distant part from the camera and make that black and the closest and make that white and the rest of the distances divided by 256 for grays.
It has been a while and a few upgrades now so I have some difficulty getting it working right, but for 3d engraves of 3d models it is the key.
One point of criticism I would make however is that you put the greatest black all the way to the back of the skull where most cannot be seen so the resolution of what you can see is much less where you want the greatest resolution (around the teeth as example) so the pure white is as small as possible even messing with the gradient some to get the most resolution at the front.
Your eye will see variation in white better than black, so when you think it is all black the will be more resolution than you can see, while the reverse will be the case near white,
So I’m still working at it about 8 hours of work into this so far. I don’t think it’s a case of the file i’m making anymore but more the settings and materials I use.
Well, I’m happy to say that I think i’ve found a way to make consistent quality files and how to engrave them. I’ll make a video in the next few weeks and share it here once it’s up =)