Calculating total print hours (proposed workaround)

I’m selling my Glowforge Basic and a potential buyer rightly asked how many hours I have on my machine. It sounds like this is a common question among users–and unless you’ve been keeping your own logs by hand, there is no easy way to determine the total print hours.

The only information I could find that was actionable came from this message: Not Calibrating or Scanning - #10

I followed those instructions and took a look at the files. In the glowforge/ directory, there are some log files with lines that reference HWFSM, which I interpreted as “HardWare Finite State Machine,” as they seem to describe state transitions. There are two transitions that seem relevant to the actual print duration, starting => running and running => finished.

I wrote a quick script to parse these log messages to tally up my total print time (based on the above assumptions):



die() {
	echo "$1" 1>&2; exit 1

epochts() {
	timestamp="$(echo "$1" | tr _ T)"
	date -d "$timestamp" +%s

find . -name '*.u' -exec grep 'HWFSM: starting\|HWFSM: running' {} \; | \
while read -r timestamp idk debug hwfsm state rest; do
	case "$state" in
			[ -n "$lastts" ] && die 'unexpected state'
			lastts="$(epochts "$timestamp")"
			[ -z "$lastts" ] && die 'unexpected state'
			thists="$(epochts "$timestamp")"
			diff=$(( thists - lastts ))
			total=$(( total + diff ))
		*) die 'unexpected state' ;;
	echo "total: $total seconds"


  • I got this script to a working state for my needs, I make no guarantees as to its robustness or correctness
  • My log dump only included files from a few years back, so depending on your usage this is likely not an accurate lifetime total.
  • I only ran this against data from my Glowforge Basic, the file structure and log format for any other models may differ

Hope this helps some other folks!


Although that’s a fun exercise, the fact is the tube will expire regardless of use. It’s an imperfect glass vessel designed with a 2-year lifespan. Thankfully, it was over-engineered and most people have gotten much more life out of them, but they don’t “wear out” with use.

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Wow, that’s helpful! Thanks!

Typical quality CO2 lasers in the 40-60W range often last 7+ years of moderate home use. A member here had 14 years on her ULS laser tubes and she was an artist using them to make mylar stencils for body painting.

It’d be interesting to see how many of us originals are still running the same tube (I am).


Almost afraid to admit my machine (received January 2018) is still working fine. I do have to slow it down a little, but then I’ve always had to do that.


I started to have to slow down cuts over a period of about a year, but then it really went down hill quickly. So I think I got 4 good years, then less and less for the last one.

And there long periods where I hadn’t used it at all due to “life events”…

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I was…at least until a few weeks ago. :grimacing:


Mine is still running, and I’ve done some “things” to mine that few would.

Granted, I am running on a donor main PCB and it needs slower feeds/higher power than when new. Still gets the job done, though.

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