Is it ok to leave an 11 cent tile as thanks for a meal that will probably cost $600 (for 4 of us. though likely comped by his wife, Lindsay Price)?
Considering it was made with a machine worth thousands of dollars? Definitely
As long as the server is tipped like it wasn’t free it’ll be fine.
What’s your method? I struggle to clean it without getting stuff stuck in the honeycomb.
Yeah, I am sure we will leave a tip much larger than what we would typically pay for a meal
I use a method that I found on the forums. Heavy duty simple Green solution and soak. I also have a scrub brush attachment for my screw gun and I take that over it a few times.
Huh, you submerge the whole tray?
Ya. I can’t find the other thread at the moment but they talk about it in this one about halfway down. Exhaust setup
that’s the one!
Super great! Let us know how the meal is!
Found this interesting given your logo
Steganographically hiding secret messages in fake fingerprints
Wow, now wouldn’t that be fun to do with my logo!