Chipboard Tests / D&D Map-making

Thank you! For the living hinge, I added it after the fact. With help from the Project tool in Fusion, I got the bounding box for the bend lines onto the flat pattern, and then in Illustrator I just created the hinge from scratch (a short path that I duplicated with the Transform tool to make the lines fit within the box). I’ve thought about switching to Inkscape and its living hinge plugins, but right now I’m just messing around.

For the record, I created a new “sheet metal” material for the 50pt chipboard, setting the thickness to 0.05" and the k-factor to 0.5. I roughly followed this tutorial, and the bend line projection happens at about 10:10 in the video. I used the same gap that Taylor used (0.005") in my design, which is thinner than the roughly 0.008" kerf that the Glowforge produces.


Such a cool idea and it turned out great.

I have a number of maps that you have opened up as options for me
Source of the Nile (Avalon Hill)
Advanced Squad Leader (Avalon Hill) - this will be a combination of etching and topo work

Have you thought of making modular dungeon parts? There appears to be a market for them.
You know, a few 10x10 rooms and connecting corridors and the like? Great for ease of miniature play and a lot more re-usable


Not really. @sawa has some cool modular dungeon tiles, though! Check out his website!


Wow next level stuff… great work @Sawa

the living hinge design looks brilliant there. i’ll be looking at trying that and curious to see how adhesive prints on top work with the hinge.

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I just got the patent completely confirmed and the patent number issued on my roleplayed a month or so ago. Gonna work on mold casting and get them ready for sale in the spring (hopefully). The flood last year really set me back.


Could have been worse… could have been a Bear spider!! (Run away!!) Ha!


For scoring and folding thinner cardboard/chipboard, you could make your own scoring board like the Scor-Pal (below), by engraving grooves into some acrylic.



I’ve got the Martha Stewart version of that - works a treat. The idea of doing some wider grooves to let you score chip is freaking brilliant! :grinning::boom::tanabata_tree::confetti_ball:


They were lucky it was not a Gazebo or a Davenport!!

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A friend had a housewarming party. He attached an arrow to the hot tub gazebo and did a CSI-style outline of a dead fighter on the grass next to it with a bow and scattered arrows.


No Gazebo yet, but the Owlbear brought some friends when the Map got bigger!

Here are the pieces seperated.


Thats awesome!

Finally finished the map.

@gernreich Crap, there was a Gazebo!


Looks like a winner! :grinning:


I hear they keep Grues as pets.


As the primary predator of owlbears, it’s only natural one showed up.


First project share today:
Material: Chipboard
Thickness: 0.0625" (1/16")
Geometry: simple regular geometry spaced apart.

Cuts clean and some fall right out others you need to “tap” out which is a good sign in my mind that its not “over-burning too deep”

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I just tested a design on chipboard I bought at Michael’s. I’ve only had my machine a couple of weeks and still testing the waters. The chipboard is 2mm (0.08 inches equivalent). I tried the lesser settings everyone posted but found that 225 speed / full power 1 pass gave me the best cuts.
There is, however, a lot of char so now need to figure THAT out.

Crag maw cave!!!

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