Very nice design!
There have been other Ideas out there also.
Just a quick design to hang several of those plastic bags to carry in one hand without touching the bags, two or three cut from plywood and glued together and sanded to comfort should do.
and this…
Due to recent events we are all a little more concerned with what we are touching. This allows you to open pull doors with the hook, latches with the ring, and manipulate deadbolts or bathroom locks with the slot without touching something a lot of others are touching. SVG included. Made with PG 1/4" Acrylic, designed with Fusion360 with Origin Sketch to SVG plugin. I will be testing with other materials.
Stay Healthy
[IMG_2867] [Door Opener]
The virus can live on wood a long time but you can paint it with a good acrylic paint that will have a different result. I presume however that if the plywood is wet with Hand Sanitizer the results would be reversed vs acrylic
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