Compact Filter, Set Focus, and Extreme Temperature Sensing: 4/29/19 Latest Improvements

LOL - I’m hoping maybe there’s a pop-up on the computer screen…maybe something like this:


This may have been answered but if so I missed it - Is the spot to be measured for focus the center of the “X” or offset by the usual approx 1/8" due to the fish eye distortion of the camera? Those of us without Snapmarks want to know.

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Whatever offset your particular Glowforge has, it will still be the same when using Set Focus. Set Focus just allows you to skip the step of measuring material thickness with calipers and typing the number into the material thickness field.

I’m sure Glowforge is continuing to work on improving alignment and hopefully they’ll release further improvements soon. (Mine has certainly gotten better in the last 18 months but there’s still work to be done for sure!)

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@dan, @Rita — Please extend my heartfelt thanks to your staff for all their hard work!

Set Focus absolutely rocks! :squee:

I do a lot of engraving of less-than-flat materials, and being able to pick the sweet spot for focus is a game-changer. (For me. YMMV)

Moreover, calculations for objects > 1/2 inch? What calculations? Using any handy support, now I can simply eyeball the height and… Set Focus! Boom. Done. :sunglasses:

Can’t wait to see what’s next!


Let’s just say… if you accidentally click the “compact filter” button and you don’t have a compact filter (or other filter, or booster fan, or whatever). You will immediately know something ain’t right.


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