Continuing the discussion from Your Glowforge is getting faster

Continuing the discussion from Your Glowforge is getting faster:

Very nice! Looking forward to getting it. I have some questions about the details.

You don’t say this explicitly, but from the pictures it looks like existing speed setting numbers do not change while higher setting numbers will also become available, with the highest value dependent on the machine. If I’m reading this right, it means that saved manual settings as well as designs saved with manual settings will continue to work as they did before. If so, good to hear!

And … suppose I have a named setting X at, say, 25% power @ speed 1000. If I update it to 50% power @ speed 2000 (assuming that’s equivalent for my material), will all designs that use X use those new values?

Finally, for those with multiple Glowforges (I’m not one of them), they’ll probably want to know what happens if they save a setting (or a design) with a manual speed setting on one Glowforge then print on a different Glowforge that doesn’t have that high a speed.


Hey, I’m going to be able to use my machines again right around this time, excellent news! Hopefully them sitting in a storage unit for a couple of years without use hasn’t affected them :sweat_smile:


As long as you save the new values to the same name, yes. The parameters are saved independently from the design itself.


This is fantastic but we need a formula/guide to upgrade our engravings. Some of mine took trial and error to hit just the right depth etc. So how to adjust the power and speed on acrylic engraving to take advantage of this will be helpful.


He’s back baby! Chee hoo @raymondking32 is back!
If we’re putting the band back together, we need @designvh619 !


Did someone call my name! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Do we need to adjust the number of passes ect since it will be faster?


Yay! We need to see some of your amazing creations!


What is meant by “Reboot” my machine? does that happen when I turn it from off to on?
I also went to my setting page and did not see a speed anywhere on the page?


This is so awesome! Super excited about engraving times getting shorter. Do we still use the settings the same way or will we need to figure out and adjust engraving differently? Example - engraving cutting boards I use 1000 - 100 - 225 vary power. Will that stay the same?


The impression is that the old settings will remain the same, but the top speeds available will differ, so only if you change a speed on something.

Eg. (These numbers are just examples and have not been tested in any way!) 500 speed and 50 power updated to 1000 speed and 70 power to get the same depth.

The power cycle/reboot of the Aura and Spark happen when you unplug and replug in the machine.
The speed setting is in the manual settings area. Easiest way to see it is to select a PG material, click on the command (Eg. Cut), then click again in the box that comes up.


Sorry, not clear - is this only available premium (paying a monthly fee) customers?



I was using my machine a couple weeks ago, and the “You are in the fast lane” dialogue popped up. and it was fast! Yesterday I did not get the same message. Maybe Seattle was just testing before rolling this out. Anyway, excited, the difference was dramatic.


The device speed increase is for everyone

This happens when you’re using the Premium servers - so it sends the design to your printer faster.


Mine sat unused in my studio for a couple of years. It’s still good so hopefully you should be good too.


As best I can tell, the top speed for vector engravings jumped up a lot from 1000 to 3300 (on my pro) but any old settings appear to be the same. The top speed for cutting, and score also jumped up a lot.


This is awesome!

I’m excited to see how this will impact my projects!


So many good questions!

All prints will get the new acceleration profiles, with no change required for a speedup.
Existing speeds should not need to be re-tested or adjusted.
If you change a saved setting, I don’t remember if everything that uses it also changes. I’ll ask but I bet @dwardio is right because he usually is. :slight_smile: Also, easy to test once it’s deployed. Ditto moving between machines with different top settings.

This is fantastic but we need a formula/guide to upgrade our engravings.
They’ll keep working as before, but faster.

So how to adjust the power and speed on acrylic engraving to take advantage of this will be helpful.

This is a great reference: (no change in how to do it from before).

Do we need to adjust the number of passes ect since it will be faster?

No, everything will work as before… but faster. :slight_smile:

What is meant by “Reboot” my machine? does that happen when I turn it from off to on?

Yes, or unplug and plug it back in. Do this in 4 weeks and you’ll get the new thing. (Do it sooner and you may or may not get it, it’s rolling out slowly until ~June 15th).

I also went to my setting page and did not see a speed anywhere on the page?

Create a design, click one of the steps on the left hand side, then click “manual”.

is this only available premium (paying a monthly fee) customers?

This is available, free, for everyone!


@dwardio is correct! Saving updates to a named “Saved setting” will update those values on all designs. This makes it easy to incorporate the new speeds for all your work.

Of course, you can always save the values as a new setting, under a different name, if you’d like to keep your existing values and test higher speeds on specific designs.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day. :blush: