Discussion of June '17 update

Looks like there’s a few more than just the one. Noticed a bunch more in the section: Proofgrade 3 too. Copypasta doesn’t always work right I guess.

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I had a long talk with the logistics team about providing individual shipping estimates. It’s a big enough project that doing so would cause material delays to some of our customers (that team is the one responsible for international shipment success among other things).

You should expect your shipment by October 31 (if you ordered during the 30-day campaign) or Nov 30 (if not). [note: edited for typo reversing the dates!] [note: edited again for not only reversing them but getting them wrong, double apologies]

I understand if you need to, and I apologize for this last schedule change. We’re so close, but I know some people can’t wait the extra time.


Great update! Thank you @dan! I am excited to hear about the Pro’s and all the cool features. Very thankful for the level of details in this update, and also thankful for all the hard work the Glowforge team is putting in to make sure we have the coolest new tech as quickly as possible. Truly amazing!!! Home stretch!!! Sorry for yelling, got excited. :glowforge::heart::tada:


Not a problem - just my happy impatient self thinking outside the box :slight_smile:


Oops, thanks! Google docs-to-markdown export is fun.


Dan thanks for the update, when I got an email from you my heart almost stopped thinking it was going to be asking me for my shipping address. :slight_smile:Would it be possible to have a webpage that showed what “preorder date and time” is being shipped that day. Would be nice to gauge how close our unit is to being shipped.


i agree…

Wow…what an update! I had a hard time staying focused all the way to the end! Ufta!

Lots of good information and looking forward to the next email I get from you (as it should be asking for my shipping address). With the delay in air filter (not a surprised as I thought that was clearly communicated in previous updates), I’ll have to seriously consider if I can make due without it and not exhausting (perhaps I’ll just stick with pew-pewing wood)?!


Could you check the dates you just gave in this post? I’m confused. People who didn’t order during the 30-day campaign get theirs before those who did?


Great that you will give users the option to have their GF shipped before the air filter. Will there be extra shipping costs or any other downside for choosing that option?

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It’s not a matter of “can’t wait”, of course we all can wait, question is if we SHOULD!

The “custom shipping order prioritization” vs shipping by backer date just adds more to the insult! :frowning:


You may want to edit the date for the non-campaign folks, that should be November 30th shouldn’t it?


Given the logistical issues behind figuring out shipping dates, I don’t suppose there’s any way to know whether I’d get mine in time to help with Halloween costumes for the kids, is there?

I’ve been intentionally quiet as a day 2/3 purchaser to give y’all space to do your thing (this being my first post here), but I know the magic formulas behind your shipping priorities and forum activity have probably pushed me further back in line because of that :frowning2:.

The Glowforge will be my first laser cutter and as such there’s been minimal value for me to contribute in these forums other than to be patient and give your team the space to iterate on the product, but I do feel like my silence is doing more to punish me than to reward me for not being more of a jerk over the last 2 years.


thanks for the updated - still excited to get a GF, but now having to wait till October even though we did the 30 day campaign. So one main question is how will the GF handle being shipped to a cold climate in Oct?


You don’t get an awesome laser cutter sooner if you decide to wait for the filter. :grin: I chose not to wait.

Thanks for the update!

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I made this purchase for a school and we need to know if we will be starting the year with it or not, is there anyway to check on when our order is coming? Its been so long ago I am not sure of the specifics of my order.

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We came really close to doing this, but the work estimate from the logistics team made us decide the other way. It would have either been inaccurate, or it would have been enough work to risk slowing down shipments. We decided it was better to focus on keeping shipments moving.


Hey @dan, great update. I “pre-ordered/ordered” my Basic + Filter on June 2. Will I too get all the extras that you mentioned in this update? and When do you think mine will ship? I’m so excited!:grin::glowforge:


A little confused. If we ordered during the campaign, and a basic glowforge. They’re shipping now, but up until Oct 31? So there is a 5 month delivery window? Please clarify if I’m mis-reading. If I’m not, how are we prioritized? By when we placed the order, nationwide vs international?

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