Discussion of June '17 update

Hundreds, at full scale. But increasing production means taking less time for everything. Faster ramps have greater risk of quality problems.


No. Once you get your Pro unit, you’ll be able to manually align the material to use the passthrough. That works well for some projects and not for others. We’re working on the software to do everything you describe, and will let folks know when it’s done.


I guess we’re all curious what that production number is currently… but of course it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things.
Whatever the current number is certain people will start having mental lapses on what it means for when they’ll see their unit.

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You’re suggesting setting up a jig for pass-through alignment? How would you know how far to advance the material in your jig?


So you are saying that “in the meantime,” the “manual alignment” would be done with the lid camera alone, right?

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What a surprise… yet another slip for us pro users. Not cool at all.

So; given a pro is defined as the laser + air filter… this means you will be paying us $20 gift certs for materials until December; right? Meaning the machine is not complete until the air filter is in our hands.


Nope. Been answered. Only until you receive the email saying the Pro is ready. Not the filter.


Yes, I’m assuming camera alignment. Obviously not going to work if you shove in a warped piece of 1/4" ply.

But I’m planning to use mine for lengths of leather and fabric…I really don’t need to build furniture. (There are other people who do a much better job of it.)

And we’re talking about a couple of extra months here, not eternity. Eventually we’ll get the alignment.


wow good eye!

Yes, I agree that you are likely to have good results with flat materials like this.


Here we go again!!! Yet another broken promise and delays. LESS THAN A MONTH AGO I attended the Bay Area Maker Faire, and asked point blank “when I can expect shipment?” I was asked did “you order first round?” I said “Yes”. I was told all first round orders would be shipped by end of July, no caveat as to which machine was ordered… “ALL FIRST ROUND WOULD SHIP BY END OF JULY”. Well… I guess that was a lie. I made the mistake of not ordering the basic unit. Since I went mid-level w. air filter, I’m now being told… “you’re at the end of the queue… again… let’s add some more months to your promised delivery date”. I told my partners in this purchase what I was told at the show and they all said I should have clarified “end of July… what year?” That should have been a joke, but it turns out it is truly a valid question. What the joke has been is this ridiculous amount of time, backpedaling, and false promises. At the time of buying into this, delivery was said to be in two months… not two years (and even that is still questionable).

As I side note, the friendly rep who asked me at the faire if I had any question, quickly became less friendly when I told him I was one of the original buyers (now known as suckers). He abruptly answered my question and diverted his attention to others who hadn’t yet bought into the lies that he could fleece. It was pretty obvious he was only there to get more fish on the hook, and not to deal with people whose money they had already stolen. And I will use the term “stolen” until I see anything arrive that shows what this is was indeed a purchase of some sort. You should be ashamed and embarrassed by the unprofessional endeavor you have failed at miserably!


It would be incredibly helpful for all of us who have had plans on hold for way too long to know at least what month we can expect shipment based on our order number. Just as your work needs planning, so does ours.

Also, since the GF only runs off the cloud at present, is there a guaranteed amount of time (5+ years, I would hope) that the cloud will be accessible/maintained? Or a way to run it on software locally should the company/cloud fold? I don’t want to have waited years for a piece of technology and then have GF (with many apologies, I’m sure) go belly up and take the cloud with you a year in or something.


Thats BS. The MACHINE is both.
I didn’t order two different devices. The pro means nothing to me without the included air filter.

Let’s see… I stayed in because the pre-release guys said it’s awesome.
Now; Dan isn’t shipping my machine until fuxing December and he isn’t owning up to his commitments. Shipping with incomplete software and minimal functionality.

Are full refunds still being offered?


Yes, they are.


Right up until your unit is shipped.


The “Glowformer” is powered by the new micro-Flux capacitor and mini -Mr Fusion in the now available hand held model.



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If this is helpful:


FAQ on Canceling


This community is way too forgiving and should expect more from a company that raised over $24M. How many times will we be promised delivery and then be told the promise will not be honored? I purchased one of these machines for my daughter’s elementary school. It has taken so long that she has already graduated to middle school, and I’ve run out of things to say to the faculty. Regarding the email that went out today, I believe the abundance of information was an intentional distraction from the information I really need: When will I receive my unit? One final gripe: Why is Dan saying it would further delay deliveries if the staff had to tell us all individually when to expect our units? Certainly if Glowforge is technically savvy enough to build a tool like their laser cutter, they could build a simple database in a few days to keep track of orders and include a simple algorithm to calculate delivery dates and update users via email. IMHO it’s time to stop being so nice and start being more demanding.


There are so many great things in this month’s update! Thank you for taking the time to update us despite your hectic schedules! I look forward every day for my unit! Keep it up guys!! The finish line is in sight!