Discussion of October 2017 update

Me: "so I will finaly know the exact shipping date this Friday"
GF: “here is your “shipping” date but our software is beta so I could very well be earlier or later”

They really know how to play with our expectations. So some are hoping it comes earlier. Lets find an alternative together and laser cut something while we wait.

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Basic, 10/21/15 order date, New York State, Estimated 12/8/17 date for the “golden” e-mail which likely means mid to late January 2018 for actual shipping if they finally meet a deadline. Not that I actually believe that will happen.

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Honestly dan who cares about the records you are setting now after you’ve continually disappointed your customers with delays and failed deadlines.

No idea how many people had planned on making christmas presents for loved ones with this product this year that once again aren’t going to get to. And for the people that bought this product of yours with the intent of using it for a business to make money, do you ever wonder how much you’ve possibly cost them in lost sales. Wonder how much they could have made with two Christmases worth of sales…

How about for everyone that you’ve missed yet another “we’ll have it to you by this date, we really really promise this time” you throw in something else.

Why don’t you make it something significant to show the people you’ve disappointed over and over again that you actually mean it. How about an extra 500 dollars worth of product materials. How about a 1 time only option to upgrade to a pro for 1000 dollars. How about doing something to actually create any sort of loyalty to a company that has time and time and time again disappointed the people that believed in it… that gave it their hard earned money… that shilled for that company to friends and family. Without that Dan, i don’t believe your apology. Not anymore.


That’s kind of crazy. I ordered 10/23/15 and my date is 1/16/18. So, two days difference in purchase ends up making a six week difference in the delay.


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Holidays don’t really effect shipping where I’m at with anyone else but I suppose it’s possible. My guess though is that there were just tons of people who ordered in the final two days of the pre-order campaign.


Don’t have time to dig up a reference, but I have vague memories of this being the case.

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a rush at the end of the preorder campaign is also imaginable, i think you are right. But i think there is also an understandable delay because of xmas and new year. i can not imagine that flex runs the production on these days. Or do they produce 24/7/365?

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…of which about $120 will be used for postage&packing,

Yeah, exaggerating a bit. I did check the inventables website though: $37 p&p is the smallest amount I could see to Switzerland.


The easiest and fairest thing to do is open up that catalog to us for free. It costs you nothing except lost revenue. Well call it even for you having the upside on holding our cash for two years.

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It’s likely, but we’re still ahead on basics, so not guaranteed.

We are working hard on it!

Who cares.
I’d rather be able to make Personalized christmas gifts for people this year.
I’d rather not disappoint my Son who asked for a custom made box to keep his MTG cards in for his birthday in November.
I’d rather be able to use a product i paid for 2 years ago now and still haven’t seen.

60 dollars more in product that is likely marked up anyway to make up for the “bonus” they are giving us doesn’t mean squat to me.


lets meet over at facebook we are searching for alternatives and maybe want to buy in group for shipping to europe https://www.facebook.com/groups/138204920145776

Lol - the sad thing about this poll is that it basically vindicates the Glowforge approach. String people along and they’ll be mad at you but they’ll stick with it. Be honest and no one will order.


Unfortunately international shipments start later than domestic, and some countries will take longer to start than others based on both logistics and regulations.

On what date do you expect to ship (by your weird definition) your first production unit to a buyer outside of the USA? Equivalently, what’s the earliest “anticipated ship date” being displayed to any non-US customer who logs into your Web site? Do you anticipate shipping (by any definition) any production units whatsoever to buyers outside of the USA before February of 2018?

If you go by the spreadsheet (the one created by a forum user, not Glowforge), 68% of GF units were sold in the last week and a half of the 30 day campaign.

The spreadsheet data is input by forum members and only represents about 5% of the estimated total GF units sold, so it’s not 100% reliable. However, with most retail sales and crowdfunding campaigns there is usually a surge of buyers at the end of a promotion.

If this spreadsheet is in the same ballpark of when the weekly unit sales happened, then a difference of one day in the last week could mean you are a few thousand units further back in the line.

These machines take a lot of time to assemble, so I’d be surprised if they can produce more than 25 units per day. (I don’t work in manufacturing, so I could be wrong on their daily production numbers).

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If the credits were transferable to other users, maybe some US customers would be willing to buy the credits from international customers. Kind of like the gift card swapping sites.


Order date: Basic, 10/20/15
Air Filter added to order about 6 months ago.

Emailed estimate of shipping date:
Basic: 12/7/17
Air Filter: 5/5/18

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That’s a question for @dan, not @dan_berry

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