Discussion of September Announcement

Yeah, I have Snapmarks printed on my jigs. The problem I have with visual alignment is even though my alignment is very good it is often very difficult to figure out where an edge is on anything other than light shaded material. It’s a guessing game as to where the edge actually is. Especially if placement is off center.


but @chris1’s point is valid. if GF is still saying “within 1/4” is within spec," and some people aren’t able to get much closer than that even with calibration, then those of us who are able to are only anecdotal evidence to those who can’t. that doesn’t mean their experience is wrong, just different.


Yes, I agree that @chris1’s point is valid. But in my experience, I only remember one situation where the calibration did not resolve the visual issues. Most people that complain about the camera did not know about the calibration process.

And to be fair, it is not just the calibration process that is required to have a clear view, if your media width setting is inaccurate your camera will not correctly calculate the view you see.

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that’s still anecdotal. we see only a portion of these issues discussed publicly here. and many that are in problems and support we never see the conclusion to because they get taken to emails before the issues are resolved. plus GF’s statement that “less than 1/4” is within spec" is still true.

all i’m saying is it’s dismissive to say that the calibration and set focus is all you need. while that’s true for many, it’s not necessarily true for all.

and, to be fair, reading from the other side it can come across as, “well it works fine for me, you’re obviously doing it wrong.”


You are correct, and I think you are right about the misunderstanding.

I am not suggesting that anyone is doing anything wrong. I am only suggesting that if they have not yet ran the calibration, they should try it. I am not saying “Hey this will fix all your issues!” I am just saying that this is what worked for me.

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and if you state that clearly, that if they haven’t tried calibration, that has made it very spot on for you, that’s one thing.

but a lot of comments from multiple people have implied (and sometimes outright stated) that the calibration is a panacea for visual placement. and i don’t think that’s completely accurate.

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I still agree.

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I thought I did that. :slight_smile:

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Hi, I ordered my Glowforge on October 7 and I will receive it about November 7 . I will have "legacy Unlimited Design storage " right ?

@dan I feel like every time stop by the forum I discover that the company has decided to make more changes in an attempt to squeeze extra money from all of us.

What I would personally love to see would be for your team to release the laser file specification and add a setting to the interface that allows us to point the machine at a locally hosted software package. In this world, the open-source community would be able to move away from your cloud software as many would love to, be able to add our own features and reduce your monthly infrastructure costs.

Honestly, I would also be willing to pay $50 a month to run the software locally and not use your cloud infrastructure. My home workstation is likely more powerful than the servers you are using in GCP.

The pessimist in me hopes this attempt to increase MRR means you are struggling with cash flow and are looking to boost your numbers for another funding round and I hope you fail so that the software is open-sourced and the community can finally take over stewardship of it.


I’ve seen you here more than once…(“once” is all the times they’ve introduced anything that wasn’t free).


That last time was the initial announcement of “premium” and sure it technically didn’t have :moneybag: though it was implied it could cost :moneybag: . However, it only described features I wouldn’t have care about. This time there is pricing and what many in this thread have argued is a basic feature: “the fast lane”.

I consider these two separate announcements of paid features. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I bet you were fun in math class. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


The “fast lane” is really not a big deal at all for most people. (It’s pretty rare that I have had a file take more than 30 seconds to process.) And they did recently increase the speed for free users, so it’s not as if they’re not working on improving it for everyone.

The price of the “fast lane” servers apparently exceeds the budget they’d set for their ongoing costs of providing service. So the choices were to either have people pay for the “fast lane” or to not offer it at all. I fail to see how bundling it with Premium is worse than not offering it at all.


I have not had a problem with location, but much of my material is only 3 inches wide, and some is slightly less. For this reason, if your design is 3 inches wide and 8 inches long every fraction of a millimeter in that three inches is critical, and a rotation error of only 1° loses 1/8" of the width of the wood, For this I have several workarounds to get an exact parallel to the sides and top, but I have used Snapmarks to correct for the tiny errors that remain. It is either that or considerable time to hand adjust the material. The x/y issues are nothing compared to this.


What does this mean? Why is the old default settings for SD graphics being changed?


They’ve come up with new settings that they think are better than the old SD Graphic setting. (I’ve tried it on both Draftboard and maple plywood and I prefer the new settings on both.)

The old version will remain available for a short time. If you prefer the old SD Graphic for a particular material you can save it as a custom setting.

Announcement here:


Thanks for the Info. Much appreciated.

I think he is referring to the Pro pass-through slot. Which I agree 1/4" is VERY thin, and the reason I didn’t actually get a pro. I mean 1/2" is a far more useful material thickness, as 1/4 means sign making pretty much only.

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Maybe, except the poster referenced the 1/4" limitation with regard to their desire to print mugs, which is not a passthrough issue.

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