Discussion of the April '17 update

Fair assumption - I did too. Until Dan told us that you can’t have both - basically, if you get the filter, you can’t vent from the unit since the filter vents into the room. Hence my earlier question.

Yes, but even after filtering the gas has to vent out of the filter somehow.
Or am I just a bit more confused than usual?

I’d say so - but I don’t have numbers.

“Exhaust input” meaning the point at which the exhaust from the Glowforge is input into the filter. Sorry that was unclear.

The passthrough is 20" wide. The sign was 40" long.

It does stop, it just runs a lot. :slight_smile: There’s a contractor who keeps it going. I don’t know how long it’s been going.

The clean air comes out the right side - you can see where in the first picture.


@dan, thanks for the response. Are there still ‘many openings’ for the filtered air to be vented back into the room? Or one? Where does that stand right now?

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One big opening on the right.


So conceivably, if someone wanted to vent the filter’s discharge out the window, they could construct a rectangular-ish adapter and attach it to the right side of the filter. It would probably need a small additional fan to compensate for the additional duct resistance.

Sounds like an idea for a small business (in addition to a hard-surface dust cover with a fabric skirt, to provide additional work surface when the Forge isn’t being used).


Why not feed the output back into the air intakes of the GlowForge. I.e. just recirculate it instead of pumping it into the room.


Is this something we will be able to buy in the catalog?

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Unless the filter isn’t working why bother? If it’s working there shouldn’t be any particulate or obnoxious smells in the exhaust air. The exhaust isn’t noticeably warmer now than ambient so it’s not like you’re putting warm/hot air back into the room. The whole point of the filter is to not need to exhaust it outside. If I want to do that, I’d just swap out the elbow air connector to the filter for the connector to the window/wall exhaust.


Heat build up? Don’t think the filter cools the exhaust.


Oh yes that might be a flaw in the plan.

Thanks for the update Dan. Nice to see the details on how this is all coming together. Also very pleased at the extensive amount of stress testing that is going into this. I doubt that I’ll be an Extreme user, in terms of volume or chalanging work environment for the 'forge, but it’s great to know that it won’t be eggshell fragile (like a certain dishwasher that I just replaced…)
Thanks also for the pictures, and I think they look just fine. :slight_smile:


I was responding to those who had worries about just how effective the HEPA filter might be in reality. Or for those who wanted to vent the fumes, but didn’t want to disturb their neighbors. Personally, I’m not getting a filter because I have an effective exhaust system in place already.

Hmm… nothing to get outraged about, that won’t go over well with some!

Guess they’ll have to try and smile, it’ll go something like this: :neutral_face::expressionless::unamused::confused::slight_smile::unamused:

Thanks for the update


Is the beta Proofgrade site officially open? and if so can you please post a link?

I can’t wait to start shopping!

Thanks for the great update @dan! I really appreciate the pictures and the great news on progress!

Can you comment on the GF’s readiness to ship abroad (or up North)? All the pre-releases have all gone to US customers. I understand it’s cheaper on shipping, but it raises some concerns.

I know the majority of your customers are in the US. If I were in your shoes, I would be spending as much energy as possible focused on getting the most GFs to that majority of customer. But that would mean not spending as much energy on things that would get it in the minority’s hands as well. Things like doing the certifications that are needed to import it into other countries. I would address those things once the majority are lined up to get their GFs.

I’m not saying that’s what you are doing, but that’s likely what I would do if I were in your position (maybe that’s why I’m not the CEO of a major company).

Given that I think that way, and that I am in the minority of abroad users, it makes me worried.

Can you comment at all on what’s happening certification-wise? If you can’t, I understand. I’ll just live with my worries.

Note that having a pre-release be delivered to an international customer would ease a lot of my worries (and probably other international customers as well). Nudge-nudge-hint-hint.



Somehow I picture this at GFHQ:


Any chance of a closeup of that passthrough sign?


I see you like to kick the hornet’s nest. :dizzy_face:


just a shout out to Dan’s daughter - great work! and to his whole family: we customers have taken a lot of his time, so your sacrifice is appreciated.