Discussion of the November Update

Wow. Thanks! If it were a snake it would of bit me! Does anybody know if you close it will it come back with any new announcements? I never have closed the top announcement bar here even though I have my Glowforge.


You’ve already redefined “shipping,” and now you’ve come up with a surprisingly original definition of “ahead of schedule.” I have a work assignment that is due on November 24, 2017. Think I can hand it in around March of 2020 and expect kudos for being ahead of schedule?


People who have closed it said was nice to have the entire screen back and it enabled itself again next time launch the app.

As soon as a country is ready, we’ll start shipping to it. I’m not able to share details about our compliance and logistics process, I’m afraid, but we’ll let everyone know as soon as it starts.

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I got the UPS TEXT TONIGHT. Sure enough. Coming on Tuesday. Nice to see things are running more predictably at least somewhat. :slight_smile:


Crazy gaslighting joke! After years of delays they are now claiming to be ahead of schedule.

Among psychologists something like this known as the “illusion of truth” effect.

And a tactic used by Dan now. What a joke. Not a very funny one.


No gaslighting. They are not at all claiming to be ahead of the original schedule. @dan is saying that things are going better than the most recently communicated revised schedule.

Glowforge is deservedly happy about this as it is the first time they’ve been able to tell us that delays are getting shorter. That some people are getting their machines earlier than Glowforge had told them to expect them. This is a good thing.


Thanx @XDm5.25, in two years here this is the first time I’ve had to invoke Godwin’s law. Frustration is understandable but downright tackiness is not. Directed at a Jew no less!


I’m confused. I ordered on Day 24 (10/18/2015) and the status says you’re now “shipping” Basic orders made on Day 25. I see one person who posted above who ordered the same day as me who got their email several days ago. But, my Account page says my order will “ship” November 27, 11 days from now. And I’m only a few miles from Glowforge HQ, so it’s not an issue with my location.

Can you clarify? I’m sure I’m not the only person who would like to understand better what’s going on.


Wait… what? Six weeks!!! I just saw that my date just got pushed back a week, and now it sounds like it’s possible my Glowforge won’t be here until mid to late January. I’m really starting to feel like the dream of lasing everything I can think of is drifting farther and farther away every update. I just want to lase! :sob:

PS @dan I live about 5 minutes from Glowforge HQ. Is there any way to reduce that six weeks if I were to pick it up myself? (I can understand if that’s not possible.)

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Glowforge inexplicably uses the word “ship” to talk about sending out emails. It’s quite dishonest.


I think they said originally (when they first started announcing shipping days), that someone in your situation (ordered by day x but theyre shipping y, and you haven’t received an email) should email them. Id first make sure it’s not in my spam or promotional folder, and then email support just to see whats going on.

Edit: yeah, it was mentioned in the September update, referring to people in the US who ordered by a date prior to the “now shipping” date,


Folks get as antsy when the company seems to miss a date by 1 day as 2 years. They haven’t missed your date. 18 October is Day 25. The company is still working on Day 25.


And before you ask… Yes it could take that long to finish Day 25 if the company doesn’t make Basics for a week or so. They switch back and forth, we have seen that happen for both Basics and for Pros.


Others have asked and they’re pretty clear they can’t do that - one big reason is that your machine is coming out of the Flex facility directly. But the good news is that folks on your coast are seeing them a lot faster than those of us here in the east. The average is about 3 weeks not 6 and the west coasters are on the short side because you save a week of cross country transit. BTW, sign up for UPS alerts if you haven’t already because the west coasters are sometimes getting their machine before the follow up email comes from GF with the tracking number. :slight_smile:

There is no shipping date in my account page. Will this only appear if you were part of the 30-day campaign?

If I understood the update correctly, that was a photo of racks of forges awaiting REPAIR. Is there another photo of units awaiting to go out?

There may well be but it would be smaller as units awaiting to go out won’t linger long.

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Final check or recheck. (Which means that there are likely many, many more that have already gone out.) :grinning:

(Look at that as say… 3% or so.)

I updated the language to hopefully clarify. Unfortunately we don’t have any provision for will-call pickup of your Glowforge.