My solution will not work for everybody.
It isn’t a window exhaust vent; it’s a permanently installed exhaust vent.
I had a house, and my dad helped me install a vent. Then I sold that house while waiting for my Glowforge to arrive. The vent wasn’t even a consideration for the buyer… it didn’t reduce my selling capabilities. Basement office space. For pictures of that unused vent, you can see conversations I had last year:
I own my second house, and my studio has a wall that’s behind my fence. Even on the front of the house, I would do this; but I have no restrictions preventing my solution.
I admit it seems pretty intimidating to cut through the external wall; but with a few tools and a “what the heck” attitude, anybody who can lean, bend, pry, and cuss will be able to do this - provided they are allowed and wish to. I did this one by myself. And hey, there are more pictures!
My hose is capped with a quick-connect from Home Depot like others in this thread. When winter comes and temperatures drop, I will probably disconnect when not in use. At that time, I’ll make some kind of insulated plug.