Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Tiles

So I have been watching a lot of dungeon crafting youtube channels.

Two in particular:

This guy: theDMsCraft
And so much of this guy: Black Magic Craft

Black Magic Craft has a great video on making basic tiles which I like so much i had to try some.
Basic Tile Video

Now he makes everything out of XPS(Extruded Polystyrene) aka foamular from Home depot, aka pink insulation boards. I am okay with an x-acto blade but really good with my glowforge so I decided to take his techniques and give them a tweak.

So i created 6 tiles each 3x3. Sized for 1 inch based miniatures. Then I used the Black Magic Crafts painting technique to do pho stone paint job. I love the result. I will post the svg file in this thread. One of you with a better artistic skills take it and make the cracking and the stone edges looks better.

Freshly Cut out: cut from underlayment

Gluing the stand offs on:

Starting the Black Primer Coat:

Continued in the reply


Dark Gray Paint

Light Gray Dry Brushing & Brown Dry Brushing on the grates to look like rust.

Black Wash:


Here is svg.

stone-tile-1.zip (37.2 KB)


Cool. Looks great!
If you still wanted to use XPS for how easily it can be textured. It lasers pretty good.

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I’ll try it. Thanks.

Super cool looking! I bet its a lot harder to do the tinfoil ball technique on the wood :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ooo, I like the paint job. I also like the idea of having thin (easy to store) tiles.

I have several boxes of Dwarven Forge pieces. I love them, but they are heavy and take up a lot of space in storage. Of course, someone could ask, “Why wouldn’t you keep them out all the time?”


If only I had people locally to play with… I’m part of an online group, but someday I hope to get a local game going. I feel like a LOT of things would end up getting made to support a good gaming group.


I make all sorts of playing accessories for our local games, but not maps. Dice trays/towers/boxes, ipad stand, various props, feet for a LED tv that we lay on its back for digital maps, that sort of thing. I tried online play and it left me flat, but the two tabletop games I’m in are tons of fun.

Maybe poke at these links?





and of course:


I’m pretty sure XPS has…styrene in it. Which is a HUGE no no to EVER laser.

Is it not?

Foamular the pink boards from owens corning havw brominated flame retardant(Hexabromocyclododecane) but I hear melting and fire are still a concern. By the same token wood and acrylic can catch fire so I guess its a question of what level is the risk at.

There are threads on beyond the manual that suggest EVA Foam might work better but it won’t be rigid like the XPS.

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There are limits here too.

HA! My band recorded a song titled “Hexabromocyclododecane”, back in 1989. Though I’m pretty sure we spelled it wrong.