Hey everyone. Thanks for checking out my problem. I am tring to engrave/carve a wedding photo but can’t seem to get it clear enough. I have tried so many different settings . Don’t know where to go next. Anyone have a setting that works for them they’d be willing to share? Thanks so much!
Since this is not an issue for support, I’m going to move your post to “everything else”. There will probably be someone in the community that might be able to help you.
The most important thing is that the photo be properly prepared. Utilizing the search function of the forum will result in lots of information regarding photo prep. Here is a good place to start:
The most important thing is that the photo be properly prepared. Utilizing the search function of the forum will result in lots of information regarding photo prep. Here is a good place to start:
After I get the photo to the correct quality of black and white and download to glowforge, what should I use for speed, power, engraving(Draft,SD,or HD Graphic; or - Dragt or HD Photo). Thanks a million.
Thank you so much. Great article . Can’t wait to try!
The most important thing is that the photo be properly prepared. Utilizing the search function of the forum will result in lots of information regarding photo prep. Here is a good place to start:
So after the photo is prepared, you must decide what settings to use based on how you want the photo to look and the material you are using. There is no" one size fits all" setting - especially when you haven’t stated what wood you are using.
I suggest reading through the following post about how one experienced Glowforge owner experimented with settings to try and get the desired result for a photo. There are so many posts that share experience with photo engraving on wood that I feel the search function will be your best bet. Reading and experimenting.
Start here: Grandparents Photo on PG Maple Hardwood