Examples of detailed lasering?

Our latest “stress print” is a 1.5 hour monster of engraves, cuts, and scores, where, in order to pass, the last line must touch the first line precisely to a point.

It also makes cool plywood coils, sproingly lines, and a Robot Turtles engraving along the way. It’s fun to run. :slight_smile:


That happens on cutter files whenever there is something in the file that landed outside of the allowed cutting bed or artboard.

(Just mentioning it in case the laser plotter software is the same.) :slight_smile:


Nope…it just won’t cut that part…it’s Gremlins I tell you…lol :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Yeah, we’ve run across a few of those in our dealings as well. :smirk:

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Must you torment us so? :smile:
(Cruel man!)


How many people would happily let a 1.5 hour video of that endurance test run in the background during their workday?

I would. I’ve run worse.



Worse, I’d probably watch it.


Thanks very much for the update. I appreciate you taking the time to answer the questions on this forum.


honestly I’d consider running it at 9x or 10x slowing down for interesting bits any longer and I’d lose time I planned to work trying to watch.

I’m seriously considering reenacting this at the Glowforge office when I head to PAX. I’ll have two 16 year olds in tow who I’m sure would be happy to join in if it meant getting to PAX faster. Fair warning to the Glowforge staff if they hear yelling at the door on Friday…

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Pictures…or it didn’t happen :wink:

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I spent an hour and a half watching Mathias Wandel put together a new edition of his pantorouter in aluminum. Why? John Cage my friend, John Cage.

I wonder how many of us are headed to PAX.

I would let that run on my second monitor while I work. If it is a tripod shot I think it would be soothing.

I’d run that video!
It beats all the “training” and “Safety” videos that run in the background right now. Can’t speed through them so just let them play with the sound turned down…

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I think this is something detailed, made with a glowforge that can be used as reference beside of the things the beta testers have done



Does anyone else get the optical illusion that the text is somehow backwards in the words “science and technology policy”? I think it’s a subliminal effect from the text on the outer line going the other direction.


Ugh! Now that you mention it, YES. I was so fixated on the quality of the engrave that I never really “read” the seal. I’m no graphic designer, but I don’t think that mixing the outer ring that reads in all one direction and the “split” orientation of the inner line is good design (my personal opinion). I often split text on top and bottom for circular items, but usually it is a more even division. Like these: Final strech challenge - #35 by bill_laba

This seal now kind of hurts my eyes - Go figure, probably designed by a Government Committee. But the engrave is excellent!


Reads very natural to me, but then again, we are all just a little messed up in our own special way. :wink: