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Yes…switch back…I’m so confused…lol. Had the same response when I changed mine from my son to me since many thought I was a young lad…having both of us now gave clarity and familiarity.:grinning:


I’m out of likes for the day…(I also thought you were a lad at first! :wink:)


I’m out of likes too…lol


Mine is a man dangling off Lincoln’s nose. I like the manly americana adventure vibe I get looking at it.


Mine is an L because the first letter in Liam is ‘L’



You had to ask didn’t you?

Well, it is a flying monkey. But that doesn’t tell you much. To do that we have to go back 50 years or so.

Somewhere around fourth grade, just a couple of years after I was introduced to the magic of reading I developed an imagination that was over the top. If it had been any more vivid it would have been hallucinating. Being the introvert that I am I started writing extra chapters to the books I read in my head. While I considered this a gift, it got me into untold trouble. It would probably be considered a mental malady today but it served me well. I had not heard of Walter Mitty but that was the life I was living.
Well with the passing of the years and adult responsibility this faded. I could still imagine but it was like hearing loss in an old person. The color and sound just was not as intense.

Several years ago, it started coming back but this time instead of writing extra chapters to books I started mixing elements of a lifetime of reading and movie watching and I’d integrate this with my real adventurers so that they’d be adventurers on steroids. After a few false starts I came up with this universe were everything I do happens or relates to.
It is three parts Wizard of OZ,(except everything you know about OZ is wrong), two parts Fringe, one part LOST, seasoned with about every science fiction book I have ever read, covered with Walter Mitty and mixed well.
Here are some photos to help you understand:

Me about to go fight the Society of Sinister simians.

Searching the horizon for the enemy.

At this point, I know several of you have stepped quietly back out of the room but that is okay, at least you know.


Your mind sounds wonderful–and so familiar. My imagination would also give Walter Mitty’s a run for its money, and it’s one of the great joys of my life.


Mine comes from my obsession with 8-bar mechanisms, a topic I’ve been studying for a decade now. It started when I first learned about Theo Jansen’s “strandbeest” wind-powered beach creatures, which are based on one type of 8-bar mechanism. It turns out there are 60 unique ways to make an 8-bar mechanism. I plan to use my Forge to bring them to life.


Chuckle! I like the story…we do lose something when we stop having flights of fancy.

Tangent story…whenever hubs comes in and catches me working at the computer late at night, bleary eyed and hair standing up from running my hands through it, the standard quip is: “Bed now! Don’t make me get my flying monkeys!”


Mine is the MC Escher image of an eye. I have always been fascinated by his drawings from an early age. I think his tessellations will look great engraved/cut in wood.



Mine is a Jolly Roger skull with a Robotech/Macross Helmet. It’s my favorite anime and, in part, defined what I am now. The other part was my father’s job on the Chilean Air Force :slight_smile:


Mine is a character I used to main on Destiny. This thread is making me realize my picture is a bit outdated since I rarely play that class anymore.


Fan-fic author before it was cool! Love the whole ecosystem. Nice documentation and explanation. Reminds me that my favorite dreams are always as a pilot, although usually they involve F18s.


Mine is the coolest project I have ever built so far… a moving bus capable of carrying 200 people, adorned with 9 geometric trees each 30 feet tall and internally lit with 30,000 controllable LEDs. and a 40K watt Bose sound system:-)


Wow, would love to see that in person!


Wow. @tom, you remind me of what I have been thinking a lot about lately, the quiet craftsman. Nothing spectacularly revealing, just something anyone who understands introversion/extroversion knows.

In the era of the YouTube maker, we can be lead to believe that the best makers are the ones who have channels. In fact, the publicized makers are only the tip of an iceberg. For every documented made object, there are untold numbers of undocumented beauty.

I firmly believe there are great novels, paintings, sculptures, poems that no one but the maker ever sees.

So here’s to the quiet, unassuming forum members. You rock!

Here is a link to the build site for this amazing vehicle.


Mine is an E because I am lazy and my name is Erin. My parents wanted to give me an Irish name, and a US baby name book told them Erin was an Irish name.

Turns out Erin means Ireland. It’s like saying Canada is a Canadian name. Yes… but no.

They wanted me to have an Irish name so I would fit in when we moved to Ireland. Fail. There’s an Erin soup company and an Eireann bus company. But no Erin children. I was “Erin… like the soup” for most of my childhood.

But I faired better than my sister. They named her Megan, for the same reasons. Except that name is welsh.

I have to imagine my parents bought their baby name book at a gas station or something.


“Erin go bragh!”

“Ireland Forever” in Gaelic. Kind of cool to be named after a country. :slight_smile:


Mine is of me doing my “ahhhhh?” smile. That’s it. Joyous me.


:blush: Cheers!