On the off chance you want a file from which you can cut a pyramid shaped object, you may want to investigate the dodecahedrons and their geometric cousins. They are connected with either 3D printed connectors:
Back on Polyhedrals! This UW Madison Memorial Union Terrace Chair sunburst designed Snub Dodecahedron was made with Proofgrade basswood and Romark colorshop wood. This one has been in the works for like 5 months, and finally spent some time finishing it this weekend.
For reference
Or you can cut your own:
Spent some time experimenting with some wedged through tenon joints.
Everything was done with 3mm MDF, 200/full.
I started with larger components. I found the most rigid joint was where I had a wedge on each side of the joint.
Then I tried progressively smaller ones.
This was the joint I was working toward. Two pieces into another piece. Or four pieces coming together.
I decided to try and make a sphere.
My …
A snub dodecahedron?
There are lots of people who have done pretty deep dives into -hedrons on here.
I did a few but never did post the bulk of them. Here’s a previously unreleased pic:
And why not, a second: