This is what I bought the Glowforge to do - Make flying model Airplanes. This was a reduction of the Flite Test Explorer (( ) ) .
Spritely performance on a budget.
For those of you that like model airplanes, I do a few other designs as well.
In preparation for retirement!
Very nice, waiting for a flight video
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Nice. It was only when I discovered foam core models that I came to appreciate the pass through on the pro.
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I still don’t have pass through figured out. Any help
On that would be sincerely appreciated
Don R
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June 14, 2019, 4:27am
That could be a lot of fun!
I can help with that. I have adapted some of the FT plans to work with the pass through slot. I’ll work on a write up of the process.
I wish I could magically bestow that understanding on you but my way is so much different than that of many whom I respect that I suspect that my way may not be the most intuitive to most people! Try this link and then do a search on “pass-through”, then if you are on the cusp of getting it PM me and I’ll do my best to get you over the hump.
I wanted to test some theories about pass-through use and to create a tutorial about how we can work around the camera alignment inaccuracies in the current state of the Glowforge software. To spoil the ending, here’s the final product:
I’ll be using Adobe Illustrator CC 22.0.1 (current version) primarily because I have a subscription via work. However, I am a total newbie with AI, so please feel free to point out other/better ways to do things if I end up doing them the hard way.
I w…
Here is my contribution to helping make it semi-automatic:
Okay, as everyone who has a Pro knows, as of this writing there is no pass-through software.
There have been some good things written here about how to use it anyway but until now they all involved manually breaking up your work, something I am not a bit good at.
I have developed/stumbled across a way to automate the dividing up of your drawing for better pass-through work.
First thing! Make an artboard that is 20X12, this is critical and nothing else works without this.
If you are using Ink…
I’ve only completed one adaptation and I’d be very interested in seeing how much alike or different our ways of doing this are.
That would be appreciated.
There just doesn’t seem to be enough time anymore to work on things. I’m 60 - the kids are out of the house, shouldn’t it slow down some?
That took some doing. Hopefully this helps.
This posting deserves a little background. In 2016 I found a channel on YouTube called FliteTest. They are a group that are passionate about flight. They have designed ways to build low cost RC airplanes from dollar tree foam board, popsicle sticks and other inexpensive materials. I was instantly engrossed and spent hours watching their videos. I ordered some of their speed build kits (let’s be honest, quite a few) and have had a blast building them with my kids. When I re…