Gantry Move speed

I was curious about the maximum speed that the GF head can move. (while rastering or a “rapid home” operation)

I’ve dug around on the forums and GF page but haven’t been able to find it. Has anyone seen it?


We’re going to increase it significantly soon, so I’m going to hold off on reporting soon-to-be-obsolete numbers.


Good to hear. Thanks for the feedback.

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I’m so freaking excited to see how fast the pro will be!

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That is great to hear, as I was thinking the ones in the Maker Faire videos were moving slower than I thought they should be moving at engrave power settings. And like @soldiercoleman, I too am excited about the pro’s speed!

The pro should perform a particular cut on the same material faster because of the increased power but I don’t know of any reason why the pro maximum gantry speed would be any different than the basic.


Can anyone confirm whether or not connectivity to the cloud has any effect on cutting speed? I vaguely remember some discussion on that topic, but can’t find it. Possibly it was just referring to the initial processing, which would make more sense. I also think @dan posted some concerns about the connection at the Maker Faire.

Per usual you are correct. I should have been more specific to the topic at hand.

I just can’t help but imagine the glowforge pro engraving at top speed!

The time required for uploading the image and receiving the motion and other control commands will vary depending on connection stability and speed but once the laser starts it’s not much of a factor.


Sorry. My info is often correct for questions that weren’t asked. My brain tends to take things too literally.


That makes sense.

That’s very good news the vid’s from maker with the raster had me a little worried

Thats the exact reason i asked. I was hoping to bump up the speed a little. Im glad GF is aware of it too

you would increase gantry speed at higher power to minimize dwell time on materials that you don’t want to over dwell. everything being a factor of power vs speed more speed means more power less speed less power but that extra 5w at full gantry could be to much for a material. everything is relative to another so ya for some mat’s you just lower the power but then at that point you may as well have the basic as your not getting the speed advantage with the extra power if you run the gantry at basic speed.

very poorly articulated and I’m sure I could come up with a mathematical way to express it but with any hope someone will understand me and translate it better

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Interesting, the assumption seems to be “GF Pro: More power equates to more speed”. An, alternate, assumption could be “GF Pro: More power equates to more headroom and greater duty cycle”. My reasoning? Don’t quote me verbatim on this, I’m pretty sure I heard @dan, in one of the Maker Faire videos, use the term “production line” (or similar) in relation to the Pro.

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Power/Speed settings are not a simple math equation. I don’t assume doubling power and halving speed will give the same results. But parroting back what Dan has said about the pro.


Don’t disagree. I was only trying to suggest that the maximum speed that the gantry “could” move wouldn’t be different between the basic and pro. The mechanicals and motors are probably the same. The original question asked about a rapid home operation.

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ya my train of thought ore of was if I turn the power way up I can run it that much faster where as if I don’t have the extra power if I ran it at that speed with a lower power I may not get the penetration I want. but ya there could be a upper limit to how fast it can move. and it is a non liner performance, the question because is it exponential growth or exponential loss. anyway its all theory until we have one and have 100 mat’s to play with

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Based on the math, the one reason I can think of that the gantry speed may actually need to be faster on the pro is that its laser is only 12.5% more powerful, so I don’t see how that alone could account for the stated 20% performance boost. It seems to me that it could only attain that extra 7.5% of speed advantage with a faster head speed both while the laser is firing (which makes sense given the extra power available) and when it is repositioning the head between laser operations. Am I missing something?

The only thing I can think of is the Pro is supposed to have better optics. Better transitivity might translate into more power on the material. But thinking more, it might not be transparency. It might be a tighter beam width/spot size. (Hope I’m not posting too much in this conversation. My opinion is free and worth about as much.)

Fully believe what you say to be true. Everything up to this point has implied that the mechanical and electrical drive parts are the same in both units.

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