I’m hoping someone here can help me. I’ve been trying to print a puzzle (Basswood with standard glue and photo paper) on the glowforge and no matter what setting I try, im getting yellowing / burning. My friend has tried the exact same settings on their glowforge and it is working perfectly. I’m wondering if there is something defective about my glowforge but everything seems fine.
I’m using Medium Basswood Plywood at auto settings.
Things I’ve Tried:
• Ive tried adjusting the speed faster so it doesnt burn as much. Even if i increase speed to the level where it barely cuts through the wood, I get yellowing. Which at the exact same settings on another glowforge doesnt happen.
Any ideas on how I can get rid of this yellowing? Could it be a power or focus height setting? Any ideas would be super helpful
But I’ve never changed it after installation and I just got my glowforge recently. Is it possible i installed it wrong? I thought there was only one way to install the lense box? I could totally be wrong though, love your thoughts!
The laser is literally burning things. Smoke deposits on the surface and you get discoloration. Unlikely it will help, but try speeding it up significantly and use 2 passes. It should avoid the charring on the photo paper at least.
Thanks @kanati - Makes sense, do you have a recommendation on speed maybe like 300 with 2 passes? Any idea why the exact same setting works in another glowforge? I’m wondering if theres something wrong with mine.
@beerfaced is it possible the lens is upside down when it was shipped to me? I think it came pre installed and all i did was attach it to the arm in the machine.
That would be me amazing!!! I think the SVG is fine because i made a friend try it on another glowforge and it was perfect. Shouldnt be any overlapping lines. But I would love to learn more about masking if you’re open to sharing your tips @jbmanning5
@beerfaced - I have it seems to be part of the lens itself? It only appears at a certain angle. Could this be the issue with the burning dots in my puzzle i wonder. Hmmm…
It’s highly unlikely to be related to the lens. The last photo in your post is probably the most indicative of the problem – notice how there is burning/scorching in both tight turns and almost straight lines?
If only the tight curves were burned, that would suggest a speed issue, but the fact that nodes along the straight(er) lines are also cooked could be an indication that the svg has a lot of nodes defined along each segment. I don’t know the command in Inkscape offhand, but there should be a way to “simplify paths,” reducing the number of nodes to the minimum needed for your design.
I may very well be 100% wrong, but that’s where I’d start.
Is your friend’s GF the same model as yours? (Pro, Plus or Basic) The Pros and the early Pluses have a higher powered tube so the power settings behave differently than the Basics.
Thanks @dwardio , its strange because I’ve tried the exact same SVG with another glowforge and works perfectly. Will give this a shot though, definitely good idea!