Guess i´m the only one in Mexico!
Downtown Vancouver checking in!
Bozeman, MT on the map!
Medford OR
( pro model )
you can see my work at
Sunny Livingston, Bonnie Scotland. I see 2 others as well & one of them is in Fife…ya hoor sir
hello from DC!
La Crescenta, CA on the map. Hope to find a local group of users when it ships!
Added. Haltom City/Fort Worth, TX
Ha! My brother just moved from there. He ran dog sleds when he lived there.
Just added myself. One more Glowforge going to the SF Bay Area.
What kind of person does that? (try to steal credit for another person’s efforts?) Well, there is one in every group. Anyway, thanks for setting this up. I am all alone in Alabama. No surprise there.
EDIT: edited due to flagging, sorry, I tried to calm down how I felt by using a euphemism, but apparently even that was offensive to someone. I will attempt to adjust to the sensitivities of this group.
That said if you see something you think is offensive kindly message me, and I’ll adjust it.
Florida here! Near tampa
Mark: it was me, and I usually blaze through pretty fast, so if I see anything that’s not polite and G-rated I nuke it and move on. It’s not personal.
If someone messes with your link again, PM me the link they put there. It might not work very well for them after that.
Dan, no, I appreciate that every forum has a slightly different standard of etiquette, and it is up to me to adjust to where I am and not the other way around.
It was not my link, it was @makerblock , I get more upset over someone else being ripped off than myself, especially when they were doing something nice for the community and made the map.
Anyway, won’t happen again, I am here to help and share not upset anyone.
@dan Thanks - I appreciate that
Ok I broke down and added myself. One more in Seattle, but I don’t promise to have been very accurate on the location since sometimes my neighborhood can be sketchy.
heh… yeah. My marker is in a R/R crossing intersection vaguely nearby, not on the actual location… which has an alarm, a dozen or so security cameras, and guard dogs.
Oh nice! Kodiak represent! I grew up there. Coast Guard brat.
I’[m in! Needed a little more representation from Canada on that map. Interestingly enough, there are 2 other pins within a few minute drive.
SO what’s up with all the style changes on the map of late?