I’ll bring wood samples. I’m in north central massachusetts
@michaelgsauvageau - Good to hear you’re ready to jump in. Our makerspace has a Legacy Laser 450 series, 60 W engraver/cutter - it’s a brand new model with an 18x24 bed with 3-axis control and has a pass-through like the GF Pro is going to have. Toss me a PM and we can arrange a meetup. I have 24x7 access so it’s not too hard to coordinate.
I ran an idea past Dan and with his permission I am setting up a formal New England GF User Group. I hope to have announcements & invites ready before the end of the month so we can see what kind of regional interest and meeting rhythm folks want but in the meantime we can do some one-on-one or small groups at the Hartford Makerspace to get the newbies to this whole thing some hands on with lasers before they get their GF.
I bought some of your high school bleacher Mahogany for one of our projects last year worked out great! (we’re in Saxonville)
Thats Awesome! Can’t wait to join NEGFUG. Not sure how often I could get down to Hartford though.
@joe - we’re looking to open it up for traveling. I can host in Hartford (with laser) and for meeting only (no laser) in Nashua NH as well. We’ll look to see if there are other members who can host in other locations from time to time. I know there are other makerspaces in New England we might find have GFers as members and may be able to host a meeting. That way we’re not having to drive 3 or 4 hours each way to get to a meeting.
I’ll host one, we are within an hour and a half of most of the people that would be in the group. I bought mine late though, so i’m down closer to the bottom of the list.
We’re right at the mid point between @joe in NH and @jamesdhatch in CT… and we have a first day number.
Happy to be the NEGFUGHUB when it shows up!
Sure, rub it in
I’m actually in Medford, Ma.
Adde the First Egyptian Glowforge pin
“Forge like an Egyptian”?
Is there really a GlowForge shipping to Antartica? I wonder how bad that shipping is.
What’s the bandwidth like there?
looks to me like my pin has been taken off the map. Anyone else have the same problem?
hey folks, the map is publicly editable so please do be careful. It is easy to accidentally co-opt someone else’s pin or delete another persons.
Also being a shared resource there is the potential for saving collisions to cause someone to overwrite another but that should be rare.
Anyone against removing the data point in Antartica since none seems willing to claim it?
Really disappointed. We summer in Antarctica - we really hoping to have a Glowforge handy.
no worries. if you’re claiming the point, I’ll move it to join the rest in the main data set, or you can. it’s drag and drop.
I was just being silly. I am not claiming the point. I mine is in Tucson
Hey all you Austin, Texas area pins, @bailey mentions SXSW here: