Glowforge stopping mid print


We’ve been running in an issue more and more frequently with our Glowforge Plus stopping during a print. This as happened with several different files over the last few weeks, even with the default glowforge text/ shapes. Nothing fancy.

The head will simply stop moving after a few seconds or minutes. The fans keep spinning but the laser is off. The countdown will continue as if everything was normal, no error or overheating messages on the computer. Sometimes the head will return to its default positon when the print is cancelled/ the timer reach it’s end, but most often it simply stays where it stopped.

The printer is about 3 years old, room is 74 degrees, well ventilated and the machine is cleaned regularly. We’ve scoured the forums looking for similar issues and have tried some of the solutions we saw. Cleaning the machine, checking the exhaust, checking the white cable, moving the rooter closer, cutting the gift of good measure. nothing seems to work reliably to fix the printer.

Any help/ advice would be appreciated.

The logs kept by the machine pretty much cover all problems, and support has access to them, so you need to see what they say.

Some of us know how to access the logs and scan thru them for hints, but support does this for a living…


Prints have been going fairly well for the last few days but we’re still experiencing the issue every now and then.

The engraving starts, the head is moving and carves a few lines and then just stops. no cooling messages, no error warning. the coutdown just continues as if everything was fine.

Help from support would be appreciated.

Just so you know, we’re only other users in here. You will need to contact support directly as they don’t monitor this forum.


Oh, thank you. I wasn’t aware of that.

I saw support intervening in older posts with similar issues and thought this was the right place for that :sweat_smile:

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