Just spend just a few minutes each day designing and making something on your laser machine. If you do every day, by the end of November, you’ll have 31 items you can put up for sale. Hopefully people joining in will also share their ideas, tips, plans etc. Each day has a very loose prompt, to can be interested any way you see fit - an idea boost if you like!
I saw this on the Cuttle Discord server. So I’ll be designing, but maybe not cutting them if I don’t have an actual need, but I’ll post the designs here also.
I’m really glad you started this. It will force me to get better at using Cuttle. I’ve decided that they all will be designed in Cuttle so I can better learn it.
I’d been looking for the right project to test some flooring I have as engraving material. This was perfect and I love the results. The results right after the engrave wasn’t optimal. The material doesn’t leave a good burn color behind. Much of it looked like it had been scraped out, not burnt. So I gave it a coat of black paint before weeding.
I asked the wife what kind of earring stand she’d like and she suggested something with fish. Since we have koi in our pond and she really likes them, I thought I’d do it koi themed. However, I did seriously under-estimate the number of earrings she has. LOL
I like trying to push the limits of the detail I can achieve using the Glowforge, so I tried making little fish as part of the living hinge. I’m not sure I pulled it off. I think they look more like sharks than koi.