I made this for myself, but then I thought it might make nice gifts. Anyway, the one pictured is my prototype. The one in the file is larger. The long strips are to be glued in two layers on the back on the two sides so the depth of the earring posts don’t hit the wall.
I have acrylic fingernails and they make it difficult to manipulate tiny things like earring backings! This was a result of long frustration - sometimes a light bulb suddenly flickers into life and you realize you can do something about an annoyance!!
And my nephew and his wife just moved in with my sister, and i realized his wife might be able to use one herself… hence the inspiration.
Awesome! Will have to make some for my nieces and myself. How thick is this and is it proofgrade? wondering if proofgrade (draftboard or wood) or acrylic PG — medium, thick? Would really like to get some made before I visit them over Thanksgiving! Thanks
I’m sure @marthajackson1970 will speak up, but this looks like 1/8" (medium) material to me. And you can use whatever wood or acrylic strikes your fancy as they’d all work. I would suggest watching it pretty carefully if you use acrylic though as those little slot cuts are close together will get a bit hot.