Head crash on startup calibration?

Yep, happened to me after a long day of Glowforging with my family—checkout the video about halfway down: Day 2 with Emmet: It’s A Party!

I’m guessing that’s what happened? I just turned it off & gently pushed the arm to the back and the head to the far right, like it says to in the set-up manual after you attach the head. For some reason in the calibration it hiccups and thinks the head is further right than it actually is. Support & others said to move the head under the camera but that doesn’t always work for me.

Mine actually just did this tonight after it started a cut near the front edge of the crumbtray—stopped mid cut (twice!; wasted proofgrade!) and gave me an amber glowing button (talk about a heart attack!). Turned it off and back on then it did this “head crash” to the left. Turned it off again, moved it back to starting corner, waited a bit and it worked just fine.

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