November 13, 2018, 9:02pm
You are looking for a high res specifically of that map, or looking for high res maps in general?
If the former: that’s a tall order, maybe try a google reverse image search?
If it’s the latter: There are several good map resources, my go to is the perry-castaneda map archive, but there are several good ones here in the forums, take some time to read through the following searches for the goods:
Even this one:
In case you haven’t stumbled across this one, it’s kinda like the Holy Grail of map finding sites. (Maybe I’m the last one to know about it?)
Here is a nice site that has World Map files in various projections plus various options for the Central Meridian including one at 90 degrees which is thru central USA @Jules .
Files include both lines and polygons so you can do line and fill work.
There are also highly detailed files for the Continental U.S. and all states.
This site let me download an absolutely huge antique map of Charleston, SC. The resolution was 6,000 x 7262, which works out to forty-three megapixels.
I took the image and messed with the contrast (curves are your friend), and got a black and white image that is pretty clean.
I’m engraving a very small crop of it right now, using non pg birch and varying the power instead of convert to dots. Let’s see how this comes out.
The whole site is full of gold, but the cartouches are astounding…