Two things that you might not know about…
There is an Improved Calibration function that you can run on your machine to improve overall placement alignment. Discussion and link to the program here:
(You’ll want to read and follow the instructions carefully, make sure the material is flat, and make sure it covers the front of the grid on the tray.)
The other tool you might not be aware of is the Set Focus tool, which was released a few weeks ago. Link here:
What you are trying to do there is the equivalent of a Print and Cut file, and for that you would probably be better off using Snapmarks. That beta program has recently been put on hold (for now), but keep an eye out for it when they release it. They let you align the cuts to the paper (or material) perfectly. (And I do mean perfect.)
Still, even without the Snapmarks, the Set Focus will let you get much better alignment for cuts at the far reaches of the bed, where the fisheye distortion tends to be the worst.